Backyard Raccoon Magnet

For the recent magnet swap, I used a cute photo I’d taken of a visiting raccoon and glued it to a wooden circle I’d painted black. I mod podged it to seal it and cut out (by hand, so not a perfect circle) a flat magnet for the back. Edit: I didn’t remember that I had a circle punch that I could use for the magnet when I cut it out and glued it on. I found the punch for my next magnet.

I think it’s just so sweet!


I think it’s sweet too! :orange_heart:

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Cute photo!

Awww, it looks so 3D.

That cute little face! Button nose. :raccoon:

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I think raccoons are really cute. Love his lil face.

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Thanks all! It’s fun to share this raccoon in a different way! Some of you might have its face on one of my cards!

Such a cutie! Great idea to put it on a magnet for the swap.

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