Bacon repairs!

Mom to the rescue! I made this Bacon Buddy (he or one of his many siblings is my profile pic) for the Boy Scouts to play Steal the Bacon a few years ago, and they have been playing hard! Last time must have been a particularly rough game. I was sitting there not really paying attention and suddenly Iโ€™m surrounded by a dozen teenage boys asking, โ€œcan you fix him?โ€ Poor Mr. Bacon lost an eye! Yes, I can fix him! But my son and I had this other idea :laughing:

The patch is half a magic circle that I sc onto the head only at the top and then surface slip stitched all the way around. You can lift it up and see the X where his eye used to be!


You are such an awesome mom, how cute is this? I love your kiddoโ€™s fix, haha, brilliant!

I was a beaver leader & we did lots of fun stuff but Iโ€™ve never heard of steal the bacon, gotta look that one up!

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That is the most awesome fix!

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How fun!

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We do 2 teams. I think 4 would be disastrous :laughing:

The perfect fix! This bacon has lived a life and it should be proud.

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Haha! Great, clever little fix.

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OMG! This is so precious! I love that Mr Bacon has lived a hard life being passed around and has the patch to prove it! So cute!

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This is hilarious! Great save.

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Brilliant fix!

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This is delightful.

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Bacon is back in play!


Super cute!