I made this ballerina hippo to represent my new d&d barbarian I’ll be playing in an upcoming campaign. I love how she turned out!
She’s 13.5 inches tall. I added some leg and under the arm fat folds to the pattern I used, and then I free handed the shoes and tutu.
I can’t think of a good name for her. Here are a few so far, but I’m not sure I love any of them. I’m thinking something cutesy but also wrestler-like.
I’m voting Petunia Kapow! But mostly because “Petunia” is our puppy, Vivienne’s, first nickname to stick so far. And it is sometimes shortened to “Tutu.”
This is such a fun project! She’s so cute and looks so soft, which leaves me unsure how she could possibly represent a barbarian…, lol. I love her little tutu!
You came up with some great names. I also vote for a mashup - Bitty Betty Boombottom .
On the outside she is cute and looks so gentle. But inside, she is filled with the rage of vengeance.
My sister sent me a quote from a d&d campaign of a barbarian saying, “this wall doesn’t know it wants to be a door yet,” and she said that is absolutely something I’d say. And then we got to talking about characters, and somehow my mind went to this