Batdog, Gotham Calls

So, I have made a lot of art and designs over the years that I really liked but could 't really do much with except say I did the thing. Sometimes it was a doodle, sometimes to learn a technique, sometimes as a joke but I never throw anything away so it all just waits out there. But now my kid (who is EIGHTEEN yikes) has been talking about art, including stickers, and I set about pricing sticker making places and ended up buying a Silhouette Cameo 4 bundle. Lol So I present to you the first “serious”, as in THIS IS NOT A TEST thing I have made, and the further design of a heat transfer I haven’t cut yet:

Batdog is the alter ego of my sister’s dog Elsie, and she is a sort of family meme theme. Here, lemme just show you why:

So some time ago I whipped up a Batdog Signal for Jen, entirely as a joke.


I swear this is not even the longest complete ridiculous but delightful inside joke we have absolutely taken too far, but honestly I can’t even say how much this makes me giggle.

In short, I already LOVE my machine, and I have only had it for a couple days, and I have to go find $25 worth of designs in the design store in the next month because I have credit, but seriously my brain is so full of nonsense just waiting to be let loose on the world that I doubt I will EVER need $25 worth of $1 designs from the store.


Hysterical!! And well done! Can’t wait to see what you come up with next!

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My sister also thinks its hysterical, but she didn’t at first. Maybe because out of the blue yesterday I sent her a message, “Hey, I have a very important question to ask.” And then waited until she answered, so that it all seemed very tense, before asking her if she wanted batdog decals or a T-shirt. She promptly requested FOUR heat transfers and half a dozen decals and already has black and dark gray baseball-style shirts on the way. lol She basically immediately went to her friends to take orders. lol


Okay, how is she going to be 18? No way!!! Also, these totally remind me of my Monty pup! All ears! I love them!

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Hahahaaaa! These are awesome! And those IRL ears!

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Oh, not going to be, IS. Turned 18 in November and gearing up to vote for the first time in May. Really makes the time seem to evaporate.

And believe me when I tell you there have been lots of your FB posts that remind me of Elsie. Lol

I love the inside joke! But also think you should make as many ridiculous thinks you can dream of, because you can make whatever you like!

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