Beanbags and Cholula

I recently made this for an old friend of mine from church who wanted to celebrate her anniversary by giving her husband a personalized portrait of him and his dog.

It was fun to work on because there were so many little personal details that made this image just perfect.

She explained how her husband had this huge beanbag he would sit in and his dog would always cuddle with him there. Another fun thing about him was that he loved pizza with cholula.

I just loved how personalized this piece was and it was a cool experience making something so personal for somebody!


Very sweet!

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This is so adorable! You sure did a great job of capturing their happy faces.

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Very cool! I love the doggie.

Pizza with cholula though… not sure about this guy. Lol!

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Such the best!

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Adorable! And what a great gift!

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Love the details you put into your work, it looks incredible!

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I admire your talent so much. I also really appreciate your color choices, and love the paintbrush swipe.

Also, one can never go wrong with a puppers! I would love this! Great job!