Best Cross Stitch pattern creator? Or tips?

After buying and stitching like 30 patterns from etsy during the pandemic, I decided to give pattern creating a go, specifically this logo for my favorite social media dogs. It’s not going well. I’ve googled articles, downloaded all the free programs, but all the patterns they generate just add more colors, like 3 different shades of gray surrounding the black letters and 2 different shades of blue on the edges of the circle. It’s a simple graphic, it should be a simple pattern! Any opinion on the best pattern generator for this image, or any tips? It shouldn’t be this hard!


I’m not sure, but would stitch fiddle work for that?

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Use a graphics program to reduce the number of colors in the image before using the pattern generator. Some pattern software may you help you do that.

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I usually just add a grid on top and then adjust the design accordingly. It’s a bit of work, but I’ve never been able to find a good program either. If you do end up finding one, I’d love to know which one😄

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Have you tried Pic2pat ? I have just tried it a couple of times, but they make the pattern with different number of threads, which lets you decide which way you like best. You get to see all the patterns before choosing the ones you want to download.
As far as I know, its free to use and download, Let us know how it turned out when you have made the logo! :slight_smile:

Hi everyone. Thanks for the replies! I’ve poked around some more and looked into your suggestions and some suggestions I found on reddit via google and the best result I’ve gotten (as far as I can tell) has been from Cstitch (

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