Blast from the past

I recently started using my Instagram account and one of my friends has sent a picture of this bag I made some years ago. Proves I did use some of the huge denim stash I managed to accumulate!!


Cool bag! I like how the squares kind of make stripes with that top blue row alternating light and dark.


I had to enlarge it to see the patchwork. Well done!


We should do some sort of denim challenge. It could be new denim or old denim. A thrifted item, etc. Denim is such a versatile fabric.

I love the bright color set against the blues…very nice!


Absolutely! Denim is the best, it’s one of my favourite materials to work with, especially worn.

ETA: obviously, that means I love this bag! All the denim really makes that one strip of cotton stand out, too.

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Despite a massive destash of denim,I still have plenty left for a challenge!!! And I have ideas of at least one thing I’d like to make!!

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I love this! I have a small denim stash. I was thinking of making a coverlet for the bed, but this is really appealing to me.

That pop of orange really compliments the denim blue! Great bag!

@AIMR - I think a denim challenge is a fantastic idea.

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Love me a denim bag! I’m certainly down for a challenge or craftalong.

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Wow, that’s a very cool bag! A denim swap sounds like fun. Maybe we can get @Kwality570 to host.
Just kidding! (Although I guess it could be new-from-the-fabric-store denim for her…)
Probably best as a craftalong. Denim is heavy to mail.


Hahah! That’s my nightmare!