Blue mermaid shawl

I finished this a couple of months ago, but I kept forgetting to have my MIL display it for a photo. I also made a Sockhead slouchy hat for her as well, but no photo for that. If you are on Rav, I have a post for it over there. The shawl is the Drops mermaid shawl.


Very pretty.

Thanks so much.

I love this! Thanks for sharing the pattern. You chose lovely colors.

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Gorgeous colors and pattern :slight_smile:

That’s beautiful!

What a gorgeous labor of love! It looks like real water lapping up onto a shore somewhere. Beautiful work!

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Wow, I love the colors you chose. I keep scrolling back up to look at it.

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This is so pretty! It reminds me of those magnified photos of butterfly wings.

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Thanks everyone for the positive feedback. The yarn is a variegated one, Wisdom Yarns Stanza, that has been hibernating in my stash. The colorway is Burns. My MIL loves blue, and it works so well with her skin undertones. (I had 14-15 yrs in the cosmetic world, so stuff like that is always in the back of my mind.)


It’s beautiful!

That is gorgeous!


This is so pretty! I like the pops of pink!

Wow, it’s really pretty!

Ooohh lovely

Actually, the pink you are seeing is my MIL’s tshirt that day. The knit has open areas, so the tshirt showed through them. :grinning:


Thanks again everyone for all the nice comments.

:two_hearts: Your magnificent project is one of this week’s Featured Projects!

Oh my, what a surprise. :relaxed: Everyone is so talented on here, so I’m very honored to have my project chosen.

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