Box of Summer Swap s/u 27 April- 15 May s/o 26 June COMPLETED

I’ll just be enjoying the summer in the air conditioning. No big plans as of yet. :slight_smile:


If there is a swimming pool involved somewhere and some good food, I’m in!


Alas, we have sprinklers but no pool. Hubby is an amazing cook tho.


summer is our busy time at work, so i expect to be doing a lot of that…was hoping to do some camping, but the husbeast just bought a motorcycle, so we’ve been out on that a lot, hopeuflly we can combine the two…need to build a shed for it before the snow flies, so i know THAT is on the agenda. winter will be here before we know it!!


My summer plans include cleaning our new to us Vermont home, crafting, and work. I’d really like to get organized but we’ll see, I say that every few months.

I should be able to get some good crafting time in next week. The term is over and I’m mostly grading but I’ll need craft breaks or my brain will crash.


Gallery is up!


I received from @Kwality570! I posted in the gallery.


I got some decent crafting in today, almost finished. :slight_smile:


got a thing blocking for @chameleonhound…getting a little panicky, since i’m not sure if it will be dry enough to mail out tomorrow morning…we shall see.


Sendouts are tomorrow!! Can’t wait to see what you all made!

Not sure why I always choose to try a new crafting technique just before sendouts, :laughing: but I learned something new and everything’s ready to go! Taping the box now so I can head to the post office.


Sendouts are today, gals! But it seems like y’all are on top of things. :wink:

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Go the box shipped this morning, bright and early. All this time I had it in my head that the ship date was June 27. I even had it in my to-list app to ship today. :woman_facepalming:t2:

I received this amazing box of summery green from @Rlynn!

First, this cutie patootie little pear! Look at those big eyes. The photo may be deceiving. It’s at least 8” tall! Anthropomorphic fruit was on my theme list.

Next up…this gorgeous little pin in the prettiest greens. It’s so stunning!

Extras were this great-smelling candle, Vermont soap and lip balm. I’m so in love with all of it. Thank you so very much!


@Kwality570 I thought it appropriate to go with green because it’s one of my fav colors as well and I now live in the green mountain state. Glad you like your box of summer. The pear and pin were fun to make.


What is the fabric on the pear? Looks like velvet in the photo.

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The pear and the leaf are cotton velour, the stem is wool felt. :slight_smile:


When I opened the box my husband was beside me and I said, “My partner made this!” And he said, “What?!?” It’s so well done that he didn’t believe me. :slight_smile:


That pear! Sooooo cute!


@chameleonhound’s package came!!! it was so prettily wrapped!!! (spoiler alert - i did not wrap yours very nicely/at all, i was def in a bit of a panic to get it mailed out on time…)

so many fun things (yes. the chocolate is almost gone and the those glow in the dark cats have moved to the window where the plants live)

and yes. caterpeeler…i def lol’d loudly about that. that is the greatest thing!! (i did not get a very good pic of it though…)

but the most lovely thing of all was that mug rug/trivetty goodness!!! its so beautiful i almost dont want to use it!!! and so many greens!!! its absolutely gorgeous!! i love the texture!! i might just end up hanging it on the wall.

i am quite excited to try out those awesome stitch markers to see the magic…(do they change colour when they are exposed to sunlight?)…also. pine scented pencils. how cool is that?

thank you so much @chameleonhound for such an amazing package!!! i love it!! now i need to figure out where to plant those edible flowers before its too late for this year!! and hide those cool little dishcloths from the husbeast.

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