Bride of Frankenstein Book Box

I can’t believe I forgot to post this up. Whew, life. Anyways, I was posting stuff up for the Nerd Games and figured it out.
I made this for the Winter Book Swap. It was for KittyKill. We both have a love for classic Hollywood monsters so I decided to run with that. I drew out the Bride reading a book, but I did it on Bristol board and it seemed too thick to adhere to the box. I ended up getting the image copied and used that instead, then I sent her the original separately.
I have to give a shout out to @Bunny1kenobi who told me about the technique of turning a paper bag into faux leather for the spine of the book. I think it made all the difference on this project!

bride book book open
Thanks for checking it out!


This is so dang cool! And so dang perfect for Kittykill!


What an adorable idea! I can’t believe you crafted a cute artwork that’s also a functional storage box! I’m sure Kittykill loves it. :slight_smile:


So fun and functional. The colors and the leather are perfect. and Ms Bride is adorable. At last a frankenstein monster that can read!.


It’s all mine! I love it so much! It is totally me. Perfection!


You did a beautiful job!!! I love your art style!

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What a great gift! Your style really shines through!

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