I have a huge blank wall when you first walk in my house, All my other walls are full of art and I knew I needed something there that was larger. I went back and forth about painting something myself because we are all our own worst critics and I knew I would nitpick it all the time. Plus, my painting skills are very rusty, especially doing larger pieces. It’s been over a decade.
I decided on the Bride of Frankenstein. I am not happy with how she turned out, but I had help from my 21-year-old cat, Venkman. Whenever I look at it, instead of seeing all the flaws, I will remember the fun I had painting with him.
You aren’t happy with this painting?! How is that even a thing? It is fabulous! But I guess that’s the thing with monsters, right? They always leave you with a little unease.
I love how she looks like Frankie’s sweetie but she’s her own character. We’ll done, you 2 cool cats