Bulk delete messages?

Hey there, when a swap is completed I would like to be able to delete all related messages from my inbox. Is there a way to do this? I see I can open each one individually and archive it but I would like to delete them as they are no longer relevant (dozens of “sent” and “received” messages) and the archive could in fact be a good place to save things that remain useful. If there isn’t a way to delete message, is there a way to archive them in bulk?

Thank you!


I don’t know how to delete them, but you can bulk archive messages.

In your inbox, click this button:

Click ‘Select All’ or the messages you want to archive:

Click ‘Archive’:

Then the messages should be archived. You can do the same thing in your Archive to move messages back to your Inbox.

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thanks! I just did mine as well…I got tired of seeing them…

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I archived mine, but I do wish there was a delete option.

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Bah ha ha, you quoted my horrible auto-correct! Did you notice that? “Pennies frontage heavenly”
What even is that?

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lol I thought it was cool enough to be put on something crafty…


This is cracking me up :rofl::crazy_face::laughing::joy::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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This is amazing :smile:

Hi, this is still an open request from me. I need to be able to delete old messages. The inbox & archive are unweildy already, I couldn’t possibly organize a swap, never mind several, without being able to sort into folders & delete some messages. I only want to save relevant communication. It’s a mess the way it is, please enable the ability to tidy it up.


This functionality is not available at this time. Unfortunately, it’s not a toggle switch I can just enable.

Why doesn’t archive suffice as a delete?

Sorting through all the messages is nutso. Sometimes it’s one word like “sent” or “received” or “ok”. It would be so helpful having those deleted so sifting through all communications looking for the one you want is not such a chore.

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Researched this a bit more to understand the depth it. It’s not an available option for me to toggle, but I can usually modify most of our code to my liking. This one is a beast, though!

The reason it is not an option on the native code is because messages are linked together. Think of them like actual forum topics. If you were to delete them from your account, they would affect the other person(s) messages as well. The are inherently connected.

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Aww, that’s disappointing its not an option, but thank you for looking in to it for us. :blue_heart:

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