Bumberet Tea Towels

My most recent finish, my most time consuming finish and something I’ll probably never do again.

These are identical towels … the L shows what I call the right side and the R shows the underside.

Bumberet is a style of weaving that uses colours in groups of 3. I chose contrasting colours for each section with black between them and then used black for my weft.

The pattern is easier to see under tension …

Close up of the right side …

and the same section from the back …

Now I’m going to make something easier.


They look amazing!

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Thank you!

These are beautiful!

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Those are awesome!

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The two sides are both really nice.

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It was hard deciding which was the ‘right’ side, I finally had to get my hubby’s input too.

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They’re lovely! I am really enjoying seeing your weaving journey!


Such fun colors and stripes!

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Thanks, I’m enjoying taking this journey.

they look great!

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Ooh, great colours!

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Very cool! Love the bright colors. And yes, this definitely does look complicated!

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They look fantastic. I would never be able to use something this time consuming and awesome.

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Wow! I love these!!! :heart_eyes:

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:sunglasses: :cucumber: Cool as a cucumber, this project is featured this week! :cucumber: :sunglasses:


Those are incredibly beautiful. I adore how the black sets off the brights.

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Stunning! Both sides are so interesting and the black really pops out those bright colors! Beautiful journey you are on!

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I’m enjoying this journey very much :smiley:

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