Butterfly Obidome

I’ve made a few obidome before. They are basically brooches that slide onto the cord that holds an obi belt shut. I don’t make them often, since I am very bad about practicing my kimono dressing and don’t need all that many of them. However, some of my fellow kimono enthusiasts are going to be at Anime North this weekend so I thought I should make one. :slight_smile:

I’ve also never made a tsumami craft butterfly before. Normally I use holographic film and/or resin, and in the past I’ve used metal stamped butterflies, but I’ve also wanted to make one with silk folding technique so this seemed like a good time to try it. :slight_smile:

I have a base set up to make a tsumami craft butterfly hair fork, but that will have to be after this show. I still have one more piece that I need to finish, and there just isn’t enough time. Sigh. :frowning:


All the things you make are so beautiful! I love the folded fabric ones so much.

Delicately beautiful!!

So delicate and pretty!

Wow, that’s beautiful!

That is beautiful!!! Amazing!

So beautiful and has an amazing flow to it.

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Holy guacamole! Gotta pick my jaw up off the floor!