Can You Survive 2020? Board Game

We self-published our first board game and a member suggested we share it here!

This is the first game we have created so the process has been interesting to say the least, with a lot of learning. We started with a basic idea back in May (wouldn’t it be funny if there we made a game out of how bizarre 2020 has been?). We took an old box top and some construction paper squares and started messing around with a board layout, play-testing our ideas with ourselves and one of our teenage boys who is great at figuring out how to “break” games. We had our first iteration in July which we sent out to about 10 people for play testing and had some really fun results. Feedback from one of the cold play tests we did resulted in us completely changing our board design and adding toilet paper as an aspect of the game. From there we redesigned our box, size of packaging, and all of our imaging and did some more play testing.

You can see more of the artwork on our Instagram!


Looking great! Cannot wait for mine to arrive.

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Can you tell us more about the game? And about your process?


Wow, what a feat! I can’t even imagine all the work that goes into creating a board game. How did you go about it?

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Sure! In short, it’s a silly game for serious gamers. Basically you move around the board while spreading virus, purchasing stocks (before you go into lockdown and they lose their value), collecting toilet paper, and dealing with crazy events/incidents from 2020 that wreak havoc on whatever strategy you may have been employing to win the game.

As for our process - this is the first game we have created so the process has been interesting to say the least, with a lot of learning. We started with a basic idea back in May (wouldn’t it be funny if there we made a game out of how bizarre 2020 has been?). We took an old box top and some construction paper squares and started messing around with a board layout, play-testing our ideas with ourselves and one of our teenage boys who is great at figuring out how to “break” games. We had our first iteration in July which we sent out to about 10 people for play testing and had some really fun results. Feedback from one of the cold play tests we did resulted in us completely changing our board design and adding toilet paper as an aspect of the game. From there we redesigned our box, size of packaging, and all of our imaging and did some more play testing.

Not sure if I answered your question, and sorry for such a lengthy response! Let me know if there is anything else I can tell you!

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very very cool!