Hello! I am crocheting hats to donate to the cancer ward of my local hospital but I have never done anything like this before. I was wondering if anyone here had any experience?
I am wondering how many hats would be the right amount? I don’t want to make too many but also want to make sure they have enough.
Also, do you think I need to donate them in some sort of box that they can use to hold them until they are all gone?
Anything else that I may need to consider that I perhaps haven’t thought of? I am putting the hats in clear sealed bags with notes on the yarn used in case of allergies and washing instructions.
What a generous project! If you’re donating through a program at the hospital they would have these answers. If you’ve just decided to do this all on your own, you could ask the hospital how they are able to receive such donations. They may have policies in place about what they can and can’t take, how it’s handled, and who they can receive from. This might be especially the case since Covid.
I’m not sure if they have a program, I have a few family members that work for the hospital though so I can definitely find out!
(Linda -In the year 2025, I am happy to be alive! :us:)
Our knitting guild works with the social worker at our hospital and have donated hats for the NICU unit. They are really particular in what they will take for the babies.
When we knit hats for the cancer unit, we did have a large basket at the front desk and anyone could take a hat. They had to be made of acrylic, not wool. Our guild used Red Heart Super Soft. People with medical issues usually have sensitive skin. We also knit boobies for breast cancer patients. We used natural skin colors but we also got requests for rainbow and striped boobies!
I would definitely check with the hospital or else your hats could be unusable. You can always donate to any mission home or women’s shelter as well.
As someone who needed those hats. Speak with the hospital and also if there are any cancer support organisations.
As a wearer, soft and non scratchy, big enough to pull down to cover the tops of your ears and to your eyebrows.
And thank you so much, it’s people like you that make a very grim time, more bearable xx
(Linda -In the year 2025, I am happy to be alive! :us:)
My cousin was given these beautiful print tube-like hats that were very soft and cheerful. They were made of very fine knit. She got one each time she went in for her treatments. She sent them to me and asked if I could make her a quilt from them. It was a bear, but a labor of love. That was nearly 20 years ago or more. It was one of my most favorite quilts ever.
I agree with @edel, make sure they are long enough to cover a little more of the head than normal. My chemo center had a box set up that you could take them from. This was pre-Covid though, so definitely check with their requirements.
And thank you for such a sweet thing. It can really make a difference.
I am only using acrylic because it is machine washable and dryable. I am also using brands that are very soft like Caron cakes, Caron Simply Soft or Hobby Lobby’s I Love This Yarn.