Charity blankets

I made these for a charity that provides emotional support to families who have lost an infant. Many of the little ones will be buried in these blankets. It’s so sad. But hopefully those who are mourning will feel a little compassion during a bleak time.

I made 20 blankets:

The fabrics were donated. All the blankets have a white backing:

PS. If you’d like to see other crafty acts of kindness from our LC friends, check out this craftalong! Craft a better year! The year is just getting started, so we’d love to see your contributions, too!


How kind of you.

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Thanks! Wasn’t my idea, though… I jumped in the bandwagon with a bunch of other women from my church.


Such an amazing and sweet thing to do. They look great and I am sure they will be appreciated.

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This is heartbreakingly wonderful


So warm and brute. What a thoughtful gift.

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What a wonderful and heartfelt deed

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Thanks guys. I’ve been on the receiving end of some sweet thoughts and service. I love being able to pay it forward.

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What a wonderful way to help easy someone’s deep sorrows.

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What a sweet thing to do for a very difficult time.

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Thanks, guys. I hope it helps just a little.

This one is a hard but happy read. (((Hugs))) you.

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Thank you! (((Hugs))) right back!