Charizard. I choose you!

When you need ammunition in a pillow fight, you can’t go wrong with Charizard.

Paper pieced pattern from


This is absolutely incredible! So many pieces, and it came out just wonderful!

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Thanks. There’s a few misaligned spots. But when working with so many miniscule pieces I kind of expected it. I’m so pleased with the turnout.


The detail on that block really is mind-blowing. You are amazing!

BTW, thanks for that link…I totally fell down that rabbit hole this afternoon. :heart_eyes::joy:

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Yeah. The toughest choice is which one to make first…

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Absolutely fantastic. Unreal amount of teensy pieces, just wow.

I have, well had a pattern there. Cster broken link. Maybe I’ll resend it to them… it was cute!

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Wow! This looks great! It would have taken me forever to do that! You are so fast!

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So much feisty in all those little pieces!

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This is amazing!

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Your paper piecing skills are AMAZING! Well done.

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Love! (I keep eyeing the fandom in stitches patterns; so far I haven’t been brave enough to try any, but some day…)

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Some designers have clearer instructions and print outs I find. I also don’t like too much info on my pieces. I find the clutter more confusing.
Dive in. What’s the worst that happens?

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