Cherry blossoms Diamond painting

This is my second diamond painting, I’m enjoying it, but it takes me a while to get one done. It’s a cherry blossom being reflected in the water.


What a pretty pattern you chose! I love cherry blossoms.

Very nice! Do you plan on displaying it? If so, what method are you going to use (frame, canvas…)?
My mom has done a ton of diamond paintings, but I think she’s only framed one or two that she gave away as gifts. When she finds something she likes, she goes all in, so with the diamond painting she pretty much completes one ‘painting’ and starts another soon after.

Hopefully I am going to frame it.

lol I ended up buying two kits and some additional accessories…when I told my sister about it, she decided she needed to buy a kit and try it as well…looks like you inspired at least two people @raury!