Chore Charts for my Kiddos

I decided that the girls needed a little more structure, for their sake and my own. My oldest always wants way to earn some extra cash, and now I don’t have to get my brain to figure out something on the fly. There were some very cute designs on etsy, but just none that looked and had on there what I wanted. I’ve gotten better and better at photoshop, so I decided to try my hand at it. I think they turned out pretty cute! I printed them out with my nice printer on some nicer paper, and then put them into 8x10 frames that I already had. They are hung in our hallway near their heights and they check off their items with a dry erase marker. When you finish their weekly chores, they get $5. They each have 2 versions of the chores that I can change out each week. I also made one for me, because lets face it, I need a little guidance as well. :wink:


A little guidance never hurt anyone! Great idea to keep everyone accountable.


These are great. I think my boys would benefit from this too.


Very attractive, and a great focus point for everyone.


I hope someone gives you $5 too!


what a fantastic idea! and I bet the kids like the fact that mom has one also :slight_smile:
I think it is such a great way to teach the kids that the house doesn’t magically get cleaned each week (although I surely wish it did!) – I wish I had thought to do something like this when my girls were youngsters


What a great idea and awesome execution.

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Love it. I adore lists and being able to check things off. Its a slight obsession of mine. I have about 5 notebooks i carry with me at all times. Ha!
You did a great job with the photoshop and i like that you kept everything reasonable. I tend to over extend when i make lists. Keeping them achievable is key.

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These look great and seem like a fun and engaging way to help your daughters learn responsibility! I like that you made yourself one too, it’s nice to be able to just consult a list rather than trying to remember everything. I always feel that a list will help keep me on track and prevent me from getting distracted, so far it’s yet to work though :expressionless:, lol. Hopefully your charts will be more successful :blush:.