Christmas Craftalong

I’m still not even sure what would be good gifts for my peeps. I know stuff I cannnn make, but having a hard time assigning ideas to my humans.

I do want to finally do the countdown calendar I’ve been foolishly neglecting for lack of decision making. And my own pIr of socks to match the family ones made last season. I’m thwarted a bit by all the birthdays falling at the second half of the year, too, so like all my ideas get used up!


I’m keeping it simple for mine. Amazon can deliver the fun stuff, mom can make the little luxuries.

The boys both get simple wool sweaters and hats. DH gets socks and a hat, and FIL gets socks. I’m not planning any more handmade gifts than that, because that’s plenty.


I mostly have to get the baby stuff done for my niece…

My brother wanted some stockings for his cats, but he has 12 of them! I think I am going to do one big stocking and just call it Bob’s Cats…I can fill it with treats and toys for them all to share.

My sister wants some placemats since she is spending the holidays in Florida and has none at that house.

I am going to make a bunch of felt ornaments for everyone in our family, including my 19 great nieces and nephews!

The whole family gets a donation to their favorite charity in their name as part of our plan to give back and be grateful for all we have. I would like to make some cards for that.


Time to think about the rest of the year now that summer holidays are here, so here’s my list.

Kids bedding - 2 done!
Owl quilt
HP Pajama

Specific timeline projects

1)Print off holiday organizer binder. - Done!
2)Birthdays - Mom, K, M - decorations, scavenger hunt, prizes - Done!
3)Back to School - clothing and backpack for myself
4)Thanksgiving - decorations
5)Halloween - decoartions, gift bags (only kids we get are my nieces and nephews)
6)Sinterklaas day - felt ‘wooden’ shoes, chocolate letters, small gifts
7)Advent calendars
8)Fabric christmas card bags
9)Christmas cards
10)Christmas - decor, stocking stuffers, gifts
11)Christmas PJ’s/clothes


I picked up a few small items at my farmer’s market yesterday! I love shopping local, especially when I find things that I know I can’t do myself.

I picked up some freeze dried sour candies for DH, who loves all things sour. They’re sealed in mylar bags so they’ll keep.

We have a new vendor who does small hand made leather items, so I picked up a valet tray with a dragon stamped in the center for DS.

My DD is the easiest of the lot. She loves bath stuff like specialty soaps and bath bombs.

I might look at my fabric stash to see if I have anything suitable to make a tree skirt. Our old one was messed up in our move back in Dec. and I didn’t have the spoons in me then to try to replace it.


I finished a doll nightgown that I’ve decided to hold over until Christmas. Maybe in the countdown calendar? (That I haven’t made yet * cough cough *)
This little gown is supposed to be a set which includes a little pair of bottoms. We’ll see if I manage to make those. There are other pressing things on my lists and the dolls do already have their own wee undies.


Happy birthday, @Immaculata !
I hope you get lots of cakes- from sweet to yarn! Haha

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Thanks!!! I baked loads of cupcakes for work, but I didn’t get any yarn cakes unfortunately :laughing:

No gifts at all so far, actually. Mr Imma and I don’t really get each other "big gifts ", we go out for dinner together on birthdays. And we usually give each other little fun gifts, that we just happen to come across. Could be anything from a handmade thing to socks to something we found in a thrift shop. That’s also pretty much what we do for Christmas.


Sounds wonderful, actually!

It’s my brother’s birthday today, too! :laughing: Have a great one! :heart:

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Happy birthday, @Immaculata!


Happy birthday @Immaculata! :sparkles: :cake: :sparkles:


I finished the try-out for the hanging towels that have been on my Christmas list for several years. It’s fast and it’s great! I think if I make a little assembly line, I can finish maybe 4 in a night. I made bias tape for the trim which was kind of fussy, it would be much faster to use rick-rack or binding scraps that are ready to sew.

They only require little bits of fabric, so they can be made from scraps. And they can easily be customized for every recipient to match the colour of the kitchen or their Christmas decoration.


I love this idea.

I am working on my Christmas socks (for me) while deliberating on what the spouse and kidlet might enjoy. In theory I’ll do an ornament of some kind and some gifties.


I think last Christmas, @antbee posted a link to make a fancy schmancy felt garland. I decided I had to make this for my fireplace this year.

I started with the six patterns the designer provided but when I read her full instructions, she made these 4 times for a total of 24 links. UGH!

I am going to cheat this by making 12 and then just use plain felt for the other 12. I am just not into doing repeats that many times!

I still need to back them and loop them together…going to start the next color and make 3 and then 3 more on white. I like a blue and white theme for Christmas this year.


Ooh, those are GORGEOUS!


That’s going to look AMAZING!!


That was me! I’m so glad someone is doing one. I have dreams, but I alos don’t embroider. Lol

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I corrected it…yeah, I have so many things bookmarked from everyone…I am not that great at embroidery, but, the stitches are pretty simple and no one is going to look too closely at it on the fireplace…ha ha

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I’ve always loved your embroidery, AIMR! :heart:

Here’s yesterday’s make, an angel ornament. For me, the jury is still out on whether or not I like it enough to make more.


A lot of people collect angels, especially in the South. Is there anyway you could add some yarn hair? That is the part I don’t like…