Christmas Craftalong

Christmas is my favorite holiday,(and although Halloween isn’t actually a holiday it’s a favorite too!) I have some projects in mind to make for gifts. And hopefully will make it. They are:
Junk journals
And a drawing for my sister.
And a few things specifically for pen pals.

So excited already!


This is a great list. Do you have a subject matter in mind for your sister’s drawing?

My list:

  1. tote bags
  2. chicken pillow
  3. ornaments
  4. glasses case
  5. chicken basket

I’m drawing Shibden Hall,Shibden, West Yorkshire, England. It is the home of Anne Lister. My sister loves the series "Gentlemen Jack"and She has purchased other items that others have created in reference to the show, but none of the home itself. So I thought I’d give it a go. :blush:


I hope you’ll share it with us, too! :blush:


I think it’s about time to bust last year’s Christmas Socks out of time-out and see if i can proceed or if i need to frog and start over…

Update: Well, it took a while (and figuring out I was looking at the wrong pattern) but I think I have muddled the next step and moved forward on the sock. I totally fudged a row of picking up stitches (Such tiny yarn! My eyyyyyes! Good enough is good enough here, friends!) We’ll see how it turns out. It’ll either be a fun pair of socks or a very socky stocking come Christmas day.


My holiday crafting list isn’t too bad this year.

Mr. Bajita - a blanket - He’s dropped some pounds and gets cold so easily nowadays, especially in his office.

Daughter (16)- I’m leaning towards a purse. She’s mentioned a Starry Night themed bag.

Son (21)- ??? (He’s a huge gamer, D&D and online gaming. He’s also into AirSoft. Possibly a t-shirt and something else.)

My Mom & Aunt - (Mom lives with her sister now, so I’m doubling what I make to include my aunt.) I’m making bowl cozies and lower sugar jams.

My In Laws (including my BiL and 2 SiL) - probably a care basket of some sort, need to give this more thought

My Friends (4 of the most wonderful people evAr!) - bowl cozies and maybe a Soup in a Jar thing…

Oh, and we’ve kept the tradition of the Christmas Eve box with pjs, a snack/drink and an ornament. I purchase the pjs, but the snack and ornament I can make. Need to think about their ornaments…


Great list! I see your “???” under “Gamer Son” section- could you do dice bags maybe? They seem very popular.


I made a really neat one for him and his closest friends out of Naugahyde last year. Didn’t get a picture of it but they turned out cool!


oh that does sound cool!


Here’s a thought for my son. Let me know if you think it’s lame, because I don’t know. LoL

He’ll most likely be moving out in the next couple of years. What if I started a guy’s version of a Hope chest? I could start with bathroom stuff, because it’s easy and add more as time goes on.

What do you all think?


I actually LOVE this idea. LOVE IT. Do you think he’d “get” it and like the idea?


I think so. Some of his friends, 2 couples actually, just moved into a house together and I know that they didn’t have anything to start their home with, which is where this idea came from. He’s very observant and would have picked up on this fact.


I remember being so annoyed that I’d get towels and pots and pans for my birthdays from the age of 16, but my brother didn’t. Like he was going to marry straight out of a school to a girl who already was going to bring everything. He’s now approaching 30 without a girlfriend btw so that plan did not work out.

Your son has probably heard from his friends how expensive it is to buy everything new at once, so he’ll probably appreciate getting some nice and practical things as gifts. Just make sure you’ve talked things through with him enough so he doesn’t think this is a sneaky way to say “you need to get going asap”.


I understand about talking him through this, but he knows that his Momma is in no hurry for him to leave any time soon. :wink:


I think it’s a great idea to get any young person things to take to a dorm or a first apartment! I know I appreciated small appliances, gift cards to eat out, food, pans, towels, etc. It’s a lot harder now due to the higher cost of things.


104 days until Christmas!
Once I finish my current long-term project I need to quidkly switch gears to looking at the Christmas gift list and getting a real plan made. The first sock is nearly done for my husband’s silly Christmas sock pair but ideally that is one of 3 pairs that will be ready in time. We’ll see.


I am in the middle of making an impromptu bday present for someone that I thought I would finish on my trip, but I didn’t (mostly because I was too far in holiday mode and repeatedly didn’t count right and had to frog the first part), so once I finish it (hopefully soon) I will also have to get onto the list. Or maybe, since they don’t know about it, I could give the bday gift as a Christmas gift? :thinking:


I finished my bowl cozy sewathon! Whew! That’s a lot of not very challenging/engaging stitching. Bleh… :laughing: :

This weekend, I was at a 2 day craft festival as a vendor, but I managed to do a tiny bit of shopping for holiday gifts.

I found the sweetest elderly man sitting in front of his daughter’s (?) booth, carving cardinal ornaments out of balsa wood. He reminded me so much of my dad and grandpa that I decided his cardinals were going to be part of my kids’ Christmas eve box. :grin: I could have sat and talked to him for an hour or more.

I also got some stocking stuffers, a Odin’s hammer necklace for my son, some decorative buttons for my daughter and some CBD pain salve for my husband.

Slowly but surely, I’m getting there.!


I have a soft spot for cardinals, I’d love to see them.

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I have a soft spot as well. I’ll post a pic as soon as I unearth from my truck.