Christmas gnomes

My DIL and I got crafty on Thanksgiving day! She and I each made a set of gnomes.



Most materials came from the dollar store except for fiberfill, yarn and buttons (noses) that I had in stash.

And glue! Lots and lots of glue. :wink:

Socks for the bodies with a handful of white aquarium rocks for weight, stuffed the rest of the way with fiberfill. The beards were cut off of Christmas stockings and Santa hats. My gnomes are wearing hats made of socks and the top of one Santa hat, and hers sport caps made of fabric cannabalized from Christmas stockings.

These were really fun to make, and super easy!


Very cute!

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Thank you!

They are adorable!!! I actually have a ton of fish gravel and using socks for hats…just love this project! Thanks for sharing…a set of these would be fabulous on the fireplace stoop!

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Thank you!!

If I had a fireplace, that’s where mine would go! Instead they will hang out on a bookshelf. :woman_shrugging:

The ZZ Top of holiday decorations!

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These fellas are a hoot! And how clever to use dollar store Santa hats as source material - especially for the fur!

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Super cute! Very clever sourcing of materials.

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Thanks, everyone! :grin:

Dude, you live in Arizona. In the desert. Where it’s summer year round. Just paint one on the wall :grin:

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Freakin’ Adorable!!!
Brilliant idea using aquarium gravel!
I was thinking of making some, but, couldn’t figure out what to use for weight.

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So stinking cute.

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these are so cute! I have seen people use the trimmings from real Christmas trees to make their beards as well, I might have to give that a try

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Thanks everyone!

@storerboughtcreation we don’t have the wall space! Otherwise, what a fabulous idea!!

Sounds like there will be more gnomes soon! :laughing:

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Those are adorable!

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Thank you!!