Christmas Tree Slice Ornaments

After collecting tree slices for 4 years (!), I finally did something with them and painted and drilled to make ornaments. The first two have specific meanings: our first tree and our wedding, and the others are generic winter.


Hey, I’ve bought tree slices ages ago and still not used them, not until last year XD You’re not the only one who hoards things until you finally use them. And the special meaning ones will always be precious :smiley:

I wonder, you said 4 years, and there are 4 slices there, does that mean they come from your trees? Or do you have a box full of more slices somewhere? Ok, you could have more than one slice from each year

What special and personal memories. Love them!

I have always wanted to male these! Yours are too cute!

Crafting to get in the holiday mood is so great, every time you see these ornaments it will bring back memories of when you made them and then each year you hung them up. Nice <3

Yes, they come from the Christmas tree each year! I only have the 4.