CLOSED: Nerd Games - Discussion Thread for 2020 Games

Thank you @storerboughtcreation!! :heart:

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Monkey and Frankenstein would like to help me wish you all a Merry Christmas! I hope everyone is able to stay safe and have a nice day, even if it isn’t the day you expected it to be. :christmas_tree: :hearts: :green_heart:



Thank you! Hope your day was wonderful!!


As much as I’m looking forward to the end of 2020, I’m still trying to squeeze in a few more projects! For the first time ever, I had a prompt that I simply did not have a project for, but since there’s no way I’ll get all of the prompts completed, I’m okay with that! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I have 9 projects that I think I might be able to make before the end of the year. With 2.5 days left to craft before the end of the year, I don’t know if I can do it, but I’m going to haul out the sewing machine, and get cracking on the first one!

I can’t wait to see what crafty fun 2021 brings!


You can do it! I believe in you! Just don’t forget to post! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: GO TEAM GINGERBREAD MAYHEM! :grin:


I did not get as much done today as I planned! Or, anything done, actually. It was a bit of a vacation day for me and I rarely do that, but it was definitely needed. I did pull out fabric for one item, and may dig out some for another, if I can find the colors I need (I may be able to use felt for part of it).Maybe I’ll do that before I go to bed, so tomorrow I can tackle 3 specific projects with the sewing machine. If I can find the fabric I bought, I could tackle one more, even.

I’m going to try to go to bed at a decent hour (by 11:00) so I can get busy early tomorrow!

And, thanks @storerboughtcreation and @QueenHobo! I got my Nerd Games 2020 commemorative piece today. I love it! Thanks again!


I currently have four WIPs on or around my desk, and a billion other things I want to do at once in addition. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: We’ll see if I finish any of them by the end of the year!


I may have one last project to post. If I don’t finish it in the next 24 hours, it will be the first finished project of 2021!


I got a special treat on the mail from @storerboughtcreation and @QueenHobo!! Thanks, girls!!!


I have done zero crafting in the last month, work has been insane and I just have not felt motivated. Ah well, next year? sigh

I have been working on my goal book, which has taken a TON of time, so I’ll have a “project” worthy project by the end of the week… hopefully…


Tracking Update

This season, we had 13 active players! A total of 244 projects were posted, including 12 big time projects, and 5 research projects!

Here is where each team stands:

Team Players Projects Points Average
Resting Grinch Face 2 21 600 300
Gingerbread Mayhem 4 109 4070 1017
Up to Snow Good 3 28 810 270
Raking and Entering 4 86 2690 672

Battle Royale Results:

October # Results
Dictionary 5 WINNER!
Thesaurus 4
November # Results
Cooked 3 WINNER!
Raw 2
December # Results
Gift Box 1
Gift Bag 2 WINNER!

Congratulations to Team Gingerbread Mayhem for winning this season!

You can find your individual tracking sheet and the team roster here.

As always, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me! Craft on, Nerds! :nerd_face:


Special Thanks:

@Smeddley: Thank you for being such an amazing lieutenant. I vote we promote you to co-captain! I really appreciate all of the wonderful prompts you give us every month. You are amazing! :medal_military:

@bluebird: Thank you for giving us so many wonderful advent prompts this season! I personally felt motivated to craft even more to try to fill those extra 12 slots. Judging by how many others ticked off a bunch of the advent boxes, I think others were inspired as well! Maybe we can do this or something like it next fall! :medal_sports:

I’d also like to give a shout out to the persons with the most points this season. Both @roler and @storerboughtcreation tied for most points with a whopping total of 1690!

And one last huge shout out…

to everyone that participated in the Nerd Games this year. 2020 wasn’t great for so many reasons, but it also wasn’t all bad. Our nerdy bunch sure helped keep me sane. I hope everyone feels the same. I love our crafty online family. You all make me so happy! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


The fun continues…

Please join us for the Winter 2021 season.

@Smeddley will have the prompts up soon, and once she has those up, feel free to start posting!

Also, I started a brand new discussion thread for the 2021 season. So feel free to begin posting in the new thread!

Thank you again to everyone, and I hope to see you in the new season!