CLOSED: Nerd Games - Summer 2021

Cute journals!

your soaps look like tasty cookies! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

And great idea for the dog toy. Has it lasted?

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There is a tracking update and a poll over in the discussion thread.

The soap does look tasty :laughing: and yes, the jeans toy has lasted surprisingly well, and if they do tear it’s no problem, have more jeans that can be turned into toys

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So, while I didn’t spend much time doing anything crafty in July (mostly due to poor planning on my part), I am going to make sure to spend some time commenting!

@Bunny1kenobi- I love that you are starting on making ATCs for your family! What a precious gift to give them, and I’m sure that, as their collections grow, they’ll be thinking of the memories attached to each one. What an amazing idea!

@ezrib- I adore your mending project. The embroidery is fantastic, and the ladybug is just perfect! Now I want to go and let moths attack a sweater so I can fix the holes with little ladybugs.

@imera When I was a kid, I used to love those tiny bars of soap! Even now, I love some of the hotel soaps. And, since my list of allowable souvenirs has seriously dwindled (no mugs, no socks, no t-shirts!), soap from a region is quickly becoming my favorite purchase. Did you harvest your own chamomile? A dog toy is a great use for old jeans- it should hold up pretty well!

@Lynx- I love how you used your masterboard backgrounds to make such fantastic notecards. I think the fish are my favorite, but they’re all wonderful. You did a great job coordinating the colors, too. And, I finally got to go on the puffin cruise I missed last summer. We were not as close as I was hoping, but we did get to see them, at least! And, your Happy Mail Gang charms are fantastic- I love the mini envelope, and the envelope on the charm, too!

@megwell- What a fun ATC. And, it’s interesting to think how people used to get so dressed up to travel. Now, it’s yoga pants and sweats! But, I could see this guy sitting outside his RV, safe beside the campfire, unaware of the dangers that are lurking in the shadows just beyond…

@QueenHobo- Great job with your flower painting! From what I hear, oil paints can be a challenge to work with. I like how you achieved a watercolor look with it. Your alligator Loki made me laugh out loud- I finally watched the series, and now I think everyone needs their own alligator Loki. That neon blanket is so vibrant? Does it glow under blacklight? And, is that one of the mile-a-minute style afghan patterns? I have a book of patterns, but haven’t tried any yet. Are they really faster to make? I love your moose painting- I like how the colors make it look like mountains against a sunset.

@roler- I absolutely love how you altered that Pokemon card! You extended that scene seamlessly! And, I’m jealous that you have been to Loch Ness, and I’m jealous of EriChanHime for being the recipient of that hoop. I love your felt work! But, I am doubly impressed by how quickly your crochet skills have exploded!! They’re all so adorable! It would take me a month to get even one of them finished, mostly because I procrastinate on stitching all of the parts together. Go you!

@Smeddley- Good job getting a post in after the event! I definitely would have slept through the deadline. And, having a journal at the ready is a great way to make sure there is a place to record memories. They look like the perfect size to tuck into a pocket, purse, or backpack, too! And, I promise to be on the board soon to help out Team Bits and Bobs!

@storerboughtcreation- That baby blanket is simply stunning! I haven’t tried mosaic crochet, yet, but it’s on my radar. Is is difficult? I had to click over to find out how big that plesiosaur was, and you’re right- it is big! That looks like the perfect size for one of your nieces to snuggle up to! And, the camper ornament is so cute- that is my favorite style of camper!


There are two ways to do mosaic. I didn’t find either to be hard, just different. I think the “hardest” part is finding a pattern that works for you. Some are text only. Some are chart only, and some have both.

This pattern is less confusing when you take it step by step and pay close attention. This is inset mosaic.

This pattern is actually my own with tutorial. It’s overlay mosaic.

If you try these and have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me! I’d be more than happy to help you! :blush:


Thanks! I watched a YouTube video series by Tinna Thorudottir Thorvaldar and it looks not too bad, just needs concentration!

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Prompt: July - Beach Vacation
Team: :yarn:
Project Name: nom-nom-nom bread
Project Link:
Brief Description: Mr SBC got a 12" enamel coated cast iron skillet for his birthday. We made a no knead bread in it, and mmmmmmmmmm… It’s so yummy! And also super easy to make! I am stretching the prompt a little here. It’s not for the heat… But it requires heat to bake. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Project Photo(s):


Looks yummy!

No knead bread is now my “go to” bread…easy, fast and delicious!

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Oh man! I love homemade bread, but I can’t (well, I can, but I shouldn’t) eat a whole loaf by myself. I was thinking that, once school starts, I might need to start baking on a Sunday, eating a slice or two, then I can bring the rest in to school on Monday with a jar of jam and put it in the teacher’s room. It’ll be gone by lunchtime!


So sorry I let the first slip by without updating, but I’ve added August’s prompts now!


Even though I am trying to not think about back to school, I do love me some new school supplies! Fun prompts!

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@Smeddley I love book binding, those books look so cute. And documenting RV adventures is a great way to use the prompt XD

@storerboughtcreation bread, I just love fresh bread. My mom makes a no knead bread that my son just loves, not certain what her recipe is but it’s the only thing she can make that is always a success.

@Smeddley and the august theme is just so difficult XD So glad we can have wide interpretation of the prompt

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I sometimes have trouble fitting things into the prompts at first glance. I usually just latch on to one word in the description. I do keep a running list of projects I want to make, so it helps me to match things to the prompts. Sometimes, I end up switching them based on what I actually get completed, but it does help me have a place to start from.


Oh, please use any interpretation of it you want! You can also think in terms of SMALL and LARGE, as in what kind of handwriting fit on either type of page, or anything with wide or narrow stripes, or anything wide or narrow in general! A bookmark is NARROW art, for instance… or a bag made out of pinstripe fabric is NARROW ruled… or a beach bag with WIDE stripes…a piece of art collaged with either type of bits of paper… we won’t judge your justification as long as you make one that seems even tangentially reasonable!


I thought @imera was being facetious :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I was serious, some of the prompts are harder to interpretation. Being open is great for the people who manages to connect the dots, but sometimes I’m so focused on the exact words that I struggle to see “the whole picture”. But it’s fun, even when it’s difficult :stuck_out_tongue:


Prompt: July Beach Vacation
Team: Running With Scissors
Project Name: Armoire for steiconi
Project Link:
Brief Description: This miniature armoire was made for steiconi in a private swap. It’s a tan color with rose accents.
Project Photo(s):

Prompt: July Staycation
Team: Running With Scissors
Project Name: Armoire for me!
Project Link: Mini armoire
Brief Description: This miniature armoire is one that I made for myself, and it will be used around the house- my future dollhouse! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
Project Photo(s):

Prompt: Zap!
Team: Running With Scissors
Project Name: minimalist earrings
Project Link: Minimalist earrings
Brief Description: Put these together real quick-like. :hugs:
Project Photo(s):


I admire miniature skills, although I don’t know what I’d do with them myself. Miniature magnets? Anyway, nice job! I love how the drawer pulls out and the pretty liner.

I have a bunch of new things, but can’t share yet, cuz…swaps!


Prompt: July - Staycation
Team: Bits and Bobs
Project Name: Pin banner
Project Link: N/A
Brief Description: We needed a solution for our enamel pin collection. I expected it to be a quick project, but it ended up taking me like two hours because the silly pom pom trim was so tiny. But, I love how it turned out!

Project Photo(s):

Prompt: August - Scissors
Team: Bits and Bobs
Project Name: Pin banner
Project Link: N/A
Brief Description: It was my partner’s sister’s birthday, and she was starting to like enamel pins, too. I sewed her a banner, and gave her a few to add to her growing collection.

Prompt: July - City vacation
Team: Bits and Bobs
Project Name: Tokitae watercolor
Project Link: N/A
Brief Description: I love GISH. I also barely have any time for fun anymore. I decided I would sign up and try to make some projects happen this year! This one was a prompt to create a watercolor picture with a haiku about saving/reuniting the orca, Tokitae, with her family. She was stolen 50 years ago, and has been held captive at the Miami Seaquarium ever since. You can learn more here:

Prompt: July - Beach vacation
Team: Bits and Bobs
Project Name: Giant sunhat
Project Link: N/A
Brief Description: Another GISH project. This one was to make a giant sunhat out of recyclable materials. It has a big sun painted on top, but the pun was lost to wind and sunny lighting. :smiley:

Prompt: August - Glue stick
Team: Bits and Bobs
Project Name: Loki from MMs & Skittles
Project Link: N/A
Brief Description: GISH again. This one was to make a picture of Tom Hiddleston as Loki out of MMs & Skittles. It did not turn out how I wanted at all. I kept laughing at how bad it was going and trying to embrace it. In the end, it got done, though!

Prompt: August - Binder
Team: Bits and Bobs
Project Name: Barbie’s new job
Project Link: N/A
Brief Description: And my last GISH proejct was to give Barbie a dirty job. I chose to make her a porta potty cleaner. I made the porta potties out of paper and cardboard (there is actually a row of them, though you can pretty much only see the one).