Coca-Cola Fountain

This was taken with a medium format camera for my photography class. This was printed using split filtering. My teacher loved it, he asked to use a print for a class example because he thought it was better than his. He also wants me to print it even larger after spring break, this is an 8x10. I love printing in the darkroom!!


WOW where was it taken? Congrats on besting the teacher!.


This is wonderful!

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great photography! What high compliments from the teacher!

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Very evocative print! The composition is very striking, with the smooth, pristine curves contrasted with all those vertical, textured lines. And very high praise, for your teacher to use your photo as the example for classes. You must be so proud! Sounds like you are really enjoying the whole process.


I took this at the Lazy T Ranch nearby. I like going there to shoot pictures because thereโ€™s a lot of neat things to photograph.


Itโ€™s kind of ironic having a water fountain below the Coke sign :smiley:


I love black and white photos especially if the subject matter is rustic.

This is lovely.

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Lovely composition and light quality! You made me miss my university photography days and all my hours spent in the dark room!

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so cool to hear about your darkroom/printing adventures!

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Great capture and way to impress your teacher!

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:cup_with_straw: :cup_with_straw: :cup_with_straw: Congratulations! your amazing project is a Feature of the Week! :cup_with_straw: :cup_with_straw: :cup_with_straw:

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Great capture!

(I never even heard of a Coca-Cola fountain before.)

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Itโ€™s just a waterfountain with a sign over it. Not a real cocacola fountain, sadly.

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Thatโ€™s a gorgeous shot! I love a good black & white photo - they can be so simple, yet incredibly interesting.

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Aaaw, how disappointing, lol.

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This looks fantastic! I really like all the contrast and texture in your composition, it creates a real mood and atmosphere.

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