Coffee-Dyed Check Register Book

For the gift exchange at the 2023 Champaign meetup, I made this notebook/journal from some old, unused checkbook registers.

And when I say old…

I took apart the registers, coffee dyed the pages, and then mixed them together into two signatures. Apparently I took way fewer photos of the dyeing process than I thought, so all I really have is this photo of them bound into the book.

And here’s a shot of the spine. The cover is made from a cake-mix box gessoed in black and collaged with some of my painty cleanup paper towels. They’re attached to the spine with packing tape that I then covered with some wide washi.

Thanks for looking!


So glad you posted this. In the start of the almost back-to-school frenzy, I’m not sure exactly where I put it…I know it’s probably very close by, but hey, now I can just share the link the LC Meetup thread.

It’s very unique and all mine. Thanks.


This is fabulous! Great way to upcycle old papery things - and I really like this choice of binding, it looks like it would allow plenty of room to collage and glue inserts into it and still close properly.


Oooh, very cool!


This is the first time I’ve done two signatures, and I was sort of basing it off of videos I remembered seeing rather than looking up actual instructions. So I probably actually spaced it for three signatures :laughing:. But I was okay with it for the reasons you give. This gives Lynx plenty of room to bulk it up if she wants.

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It’s really beautiful. What a great way to use up something that most of us would so easily throw away.

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Checkbook registers! What a brilliant use for something that has mostly gone by the wayside. Now I am remembering/realizing that there was this time when we could do our reconciling online, but were still using checks for so many things and feeling just a tiny big nostalgic. This would be fun to fill!

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I was just admiring those and would never have guessed what they were. What a great way to use up all sorts of various bits that would normally be trashed!

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I LOVE the way these look. Who would have thought? You are the master of upcycling. I had grabby hands for this in the exchange. :wink:


This turned out really pretty. And I love that there’s lots of room for bulk. Good call!


Thanks, everyone!

Aww! That’s really gratifying :heart:.