Combo fabric dress

I’ve been struggling to make this dress work.
Combining the two fabrics seemed exciting, but I wasn’t quite sure, and asked for opinions Do these fabrics go together? - #13 by steiconi

The consensus was no, not really. But do I listen? Sigh

It came out like this, not quite right.

But then I saw a cute sundress with buttons up the front, and decided that could be the solution. I added a strip of the skirt fabric as a faux placket, plus flower buttons, and that blended it all together.

The dark bodice makes me think of a vest with a peasant dress from Eastern Europe or something…


That placket (faux or otherwise) makes such a difference. Great solution to tie things together!

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I was in the go for it camp! I knew adding a bit of the opposite print through out the dress would tie it together!

It turned out to be quite fun and funky…glad you went with your own gut and rocked it!

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I would never put those fabrics together but it doesn’t surprise me at all that you did! And it came out great! :raised_hands: Love the buttons too.

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Perfect solution. Funny how a simple addition ties it all together. Love the pattern too.

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I really like how you paired these fabrics and your dress really turned out cute! The shoulder straps with the buttons are my favorite feature although I agree that the placket helps to make it all come together.

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:balloon: :balloon: :balloon: Congrats! This fantastic project is featured this week :balloon: :balloon: :balloon:


Woohoo, thanks!

I actually really like the combination of fabrics, but I really love to mix patterns.

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