I’m done! Hope to send tomorrow…!

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I’ll update the sent/received tomorrow. Sorry, it’s been a long day. Ha!


No apologies necessary. Get some rest. :smiley:


I’ve got all my cards in progress! :smiley: Looking forward to seeing all the cards in the gallery! :slight_smile:

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I’m doodling, I’m looking at pinterest, but haven’t nailed down an idea for my cards yet.

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I finished all of mine today so will get them packed up and sent off very soon. :smiley:


I finished up my third ATC, packed everything quickly with poorly spelled notes… :sweat_smile: Then dropped the envelope into the mailbox before I could overthink them anymore! :grin:


I got a lot of work done on elements of my cards, but then realized that the glue sticks I was going to use to put them together are ANCIENT and not at all useful anymore, so I’ll get back to work as soon as the new glue arrives. :slight_smile:

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I’m going to ask that when you send, please start a new message and title it with your username and sent. I haven’t used the messaging on here much and that will really help me out. Messages are a little confusing for tracking sent swaps since they don’t tell you who wrote them, just the last person to respond. So, when someone writes to me and their partner that they sent and their partner says thank you, it gets confusing figuring things out. I can’t just go through my messages, I have to open each one and double check.
Thanks for the help!


I wondered about that. Perhaps the format for new swaps could include instructions on how exactly to format the title better with this new system.


When I write pms for swaps, I title them with the swap name, reason, and then mine, so hopefully it helps the organizer finds things.

So for example, when I send my partner’s it would look like:
Atc trio swap sent–Lynx

I hope this is what you find helpful.

I agree: finding pms for anything is kinda confusing in this new format because of that.

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Good idea! And I was going to resend my shipped private message, but I just discovered you can edit the title of a private message you have already sent! :slight_smile: So I edited my title to “ATC Trio Swap June - Bluebird has Shipped!” I hope that it also changed for you in your list of messages. :slight_smile:


Still here! I have two cards in various states of progress and a likely theme for the third.

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I had no idea you could edit sent messages. Good to know. Thanks for sharing!

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Thanks for helping me out. I am still learning about the site. I’m not the best at adapting to a new format. :wink:


Atc trio swap sent– user name. Would be perfect!

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Right now they only have the old C’ster info for us to use. It still says C’ster even. I’m not sure what they are planning on doing, but if I host another swap I will include it in the instructions. I’ll also pass on the idea in case they are going to write up new swap rules.
Right now there is no way for the organizer to even check how many swaps someone has joined. It’s all kind of up in the air until they get it all ironed out.


I’ve been putting my swaps on my profile, but I know not everyone would want to do that.


Mailed today!

I like that idea!