COMPLETE: Halloween Advent - SU 6/11-6/24 SO 8/27

I was at first a bit intimidated that such a talented artist as @artsycandice is my partner, but during my morning walk ideas just started flowing!


So excited to be paired up with @KarenLouiseM! I don’t believe we’ve ever swapped. It’s going to be so fun!

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Aww. Don’t be intimidated. I LOVE when people share their work with me. Art is so much of how I see the world, how I translate what’s happening around me, that I often take it for granted that I can do what I do. I have had friends that have refused to share their work with me because they felt intimidated and it hurt. I don’t want to be intimidating, I just want to share art with others. It is the language of the soul. Talk to me partner. :heart: :blush:


Yay partners! I got so distracted on pinterest I forgot to post here. Anyone else wishing they could make bigger things? There are so many great ideas, but maybe I can morph them into smalls.


I’m pretty easy to please… no worries!

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Oh I expect several of mine to morph into mediums, possibly large!

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mmm, partners! :grin:

Me too. But that’s all part of the fun, right?

I already have a few ideas! I’ve had swaps in the past where I came up with ideas that didn’t work out exactly the way I wanted to. Even though I’ve always managed to send something that felt acceptable to me, it still feels a bit awkward when you receive something in return that looks absolutely perfect. But I still love swapping because you get to experiment with new styles and techniques.

I’ve collected some fun ideas! I even have a few
Halloween goodies that I crafted a while back and are going to work well, so I’m a teensy bit ahead of the game!! Super excited!

I’m on vacation at the moment but I’m pumped to jump into more crafting the second I get home! :sunglasses:


I have Halloween stuff squirreled somewhere. I probably won’t find it until after this is in the mail. Isn’t that the way of it? :smile:
I am happy to have completed one day so far. Pacing myself… working on some simpler pieces first while the gears are turning on the bigger ones. The key for me will to be to stay as organized as possible. I can see myself losing bits and baubles that I will need right when I want to use them. :laughing:


Hey everyone! First check-in!: What colors are you working with for your project this week?

One of mine is navy and white! It’s so hard to see, but I’m excited to see the final object!

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Ooh… this week I am working predominantly with grey and black for a piece I’ve been futzing with for a couple of nights now.


I love a classic grey and black!

It will be fun to go back and see if I can pick out what people were working on with their color descriptions!


I’ve gotten swap-delayed b/c my child has suddenly decided (after 2 summers of rejecting them) that she wants shorts to wear, so I’m working with a pink & white floral.


I am working with orange right now.


Orange and black! This is the first item of the swap that I’m working on. The idea for this had been in my head for a while and this is the perfect opportunity to make it.

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Still on vacation! I’ll be hard at work next week


Black, in the loosest sense of working with!


I’ve finished my first item! It’s all in dark shades. Been a slow crafting week here, so it feels good to check one off the list :grinning: