COMPLETE: Little Good Things of 2021-- sign ups 3/1-3/14, Send 3/30

My tumultuous work day was remedied by this sweet and thoughtful parcel of goodies from @Whistlefish, thank you so much for all the goodies, WOW!

The felt rainbow heart garland is going right up in my basement studio space, it needs some cheering up down here and this is just the ticket.
The beautiful moth card contained a removable greeting so I can actually send it as mail if I want. If I want… I will have to think long and hard on who might deserve such a beautiful treasure more than I’d like to keep it for myself!
There is a sweet watercolour Easter egg ATC which I’ll take a close up shot of and share in that swap gallery. And also a stack of really nice hand made cards with so many pretty papers. I’m only sharing the top one so it will be a surprise if I should send some out as happy mail :wink:

Thank you so much, partner. I confess I have been wobbling back and forth on ideas for you since we mostly do similar crafts, stitching and sewing and some paper. I realize though that one of the long-term busy work projects I picked up recently could be perfect for you, and it has some very special significance that you might enjoy so I’m going to run with it. Should be able to wrap it up this weekend.


Oh, I adore that bunting! Very fun package!


Yay! I’m glad you got it and liked it!! I made the garland (I also have one hanging in MY basement crafty place!!) The other items are things I had made recently with no purpose but now I know they were destined for you! I really love that moth card. It was hard to give it away. Lol. I won’t judge if you keep it. Hehe.

Consider my curiosity piqued! I have no idea what it could be.


That’s funny about the basement space, haha! Now I will think of you when I’m crafting away at my big messy table with your rainbow love garland nearby.

I think you are going to be quite surprised and I do hope you will like the item and also the story!

I’ve posted a very easy Masterboard tutorial using only paint and stamps. It took me a while to get them hang of messy, even though @Abbeeroad is now telling me even my messy is neat, lol! But this is certainly much freer than I’ve been in the past and I really, really enjoy myself getting super messy and, at least what feels like, random :smile:


I received from LuckyXIIICreations today! I can’t wait to post the pics in the swap gallery! My DD is helping me post them, so it will be as soon as possible.

I can’t wait to send LXC her items, I am very proud of them and think she will love them!


I think my happiest small craft in the last year has been making small watercolour illustrations - just simple and small things, playing with colour. ATCs, 4 x 6, bookmarks - things that are easy to mail and share.

The purple thing sounds intriguing! I will have to look out for one.

I’ve got a few swap projects on the go, but I’m working on them all - there is stuff everywhere this weekend …


@aimr can hook you up, I bet!


lol I most definitely can! I am the bulk queen, it seems…lol

@jemimah, I will put one in the next piece of happy mail! lol


Yay, thank you! I will happily join your legion of minions!! :purple_heart:


bwahhh-ha ha ha…YES!


Craft done! Treat hunting today! :crossed_fingers:


So, send-outs are on Tuesday! Is everyone going to be ready? (remember, it’s Little good things-- we are very good at being overachievers, but you really don’t have to spend more than a couple hours on this swap!!)


We took a little road trip so I had time to stitch but I still need a block of time to finish up. My sister is visiting this weekend, I gotta figure out how to squeak in some work between her projects she brought me to work on :expressionless:


I’ve been procraftstinating my main project, but if it goes like I have it mentally planned out, I should be fine. I’m going to work on/hopefully finish it today. My extra is ready, and I have a card.


I am very far from done right now, but I should be alright as well. I had planned to work on the swap over the weekend, but I ended up spending a lot of time on work stuff and visiting an elderly relative. But tomorrow I’ll have most of the day off. I have planned the extra’s but I still need to go and get them.


I mailed on Saturday. But I’m now worried, you mean the mega complicated, 1000 hour, creative thingy I made might be too much? :rofl:


I just got my last supply yesterday, should be finished on mail-out day!


Oh, and already have my card & extra ready to go. :slight_smile: And I asked for color option choices from non-lettuce friends, so now I have a bunch of people cheering me on to the finish line! :crazy_face:


I’m planning on hitting the PO tomorrow!


Aaarghhh some last minute crafting stress here! I just need a couple of hours to finish everything up. And I was supposed to have more than enough time today. But for some reason my work just keeps throwing more and more to-do’s at me. I got up early today to finish the last couple of things I needed to do and now it’s past 4 pm and I’m still working! I’m going to call it a day now.