Complete - Make a Bag and Fill It (Signups 12/30-1/13, Sendout 2/27)

I also enjoy tabletop games! I think I played Everdell once. (It has animals and has 4 “seasons” of play?)


Yes, that’s right. Big, 3-D cardboard tree at the back of the board. It’s fun!


Check in question for the week:

If you could have a superpower, would you want one and if so what one?


I would want the power to snap my fingers and things clean themselves lol


Your superpower sounds pretty cool; maybe I want that one, too! There are so many things that could be awesome. It’s too hard to choose.

Teleportation/flight (could visit distant family and friends whenever I wanted, plus could make quick trips to the store without losing valuable crafting time.)

Super strength so I could set rivets, etc without tools.

Maybe snapping my fingers and fixing everything that’s wonky in my craft projects?

And of course, I’d probably feel guilty if I didn’t include something like curing other peoples’ illnesses/pain or stopping wars.

Aaargh! Maybe I should choose a power that would cure my own indecisiveness…


I’m so sorry, I missed the last question, I’m not sure how that happened!

Most of my hobbies are arty and crafty, but I do also enjoy video games and reading. I’m currently playing Final Fantasy XVI and reading “The Power” by Naomi Alderman. And we watch a fair bit of TV (I usually like to have an easy craft on the go while doing that. Recently enjoyed the latest season of Fargo, and my favourite shows are Portrait Artist of the Year and Landscape Artist of the Year.

Yeah, something that would be able to fix the world would be good - there’s a lot of stuff to fix. I like all your ideas.

For a personal superpower, the one that first came to mind was being able to stop time (as long as I still aged the same as everyone else). I would get so much done! All those books to read, things to learn, skills to master, projects to make … It’s definitely a power for an introvert though :smile:

I guess immortality would have similar benefits, but I think immortality would be be pretty miserable after a while.


On the swap front, I’ve been making progress! I have a couple of things to go in the bag. Ive been considering the bag very carefully, and narrowed it down to two ideas. I think I’m ready to make the choice and make it happen!


So, I finished a bag today! I’m behind schedule, but have one partner’s items completely finished. And have made a couple of extras for the other partner.

However, I might need a bit of an extension. The first bag took way longer than expected; much of that due to learning curves, on functions of my sewing machine that I had never used before. (There has been much seam-ripping and guttural noises of frustration during said learning curves!)

How do you guys feel about pushing the deadline out a bit, @Manders and @jemimah?


I would be completely fine with pushing the send out date. (I have also been making some frustrated cat hissing noises lol)

I’m further behind than I would like to be at this point. How do you feel about it @jemimah ?

If pushing it out works for everyone, is there a time you’re thinking of @endymion ?


I’d be happy to have a bit longer too, that would be helpful! I’ve got several items for contents, and making good progress on the bag. I can get it done, but a later deadline would really help me take the bag to the next level. Would another week, or even sendouts on Monday 19th work for you guys? I’m totally flexible, so if you need longer @endymion, it won’t bother me at all - especially since you’re making two parcels!


Right? 2 swaps for Endymion definitely makes sense for more time!

I’m good with send outs being on the 19th, assuming that works for everyone. :blush:


The 19th works for me. Thanks much!


The send by date has been officially changed to 2/19 :blush:


Hey everyone! Check in question:

Do you do anything special for Valentine’s Day?


We don’t really do anything at all. I don’t think Valentine’s Day is as quite as big a thing in this part of the world as North America. Although there is a lot of advertising to buy jewellery or go out for dinner.

Hubby has a busy day and an evening work meeting, so no fancy dinner for me! I might make him a cute card.


We always exchange cards, but usually that’s it. Very rarely, I may make a special dinner or dessert. Equally rarely, he might splurge and get me a balloon. Or else we might get take-out (which we don’t do very much any more, so it feels like a special treat).


Hubby and I did a special date this year to celebrate our 1st Valentine’s Day. I can see future Valentine’s Days being more chill though.


Well, when my husband and I were first together, we did more for Valentine’s Day. To be fair, we’ve been together for a very long time at this point!


Awww! First Valentine’s Day, that’s wonderful :sparkling_heart:

Me and Mr jemimah aren’t very good at remembering anniversaries and things like that, but we still like having dates as often as we can.


I’ve heard the trick to a happy marriage is to still date after you get married. :grin: