COMPLETE - Paper Embellishment and Ephemera Swap

How ever the numbers work out. I’m flexible.

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Last day to sign up is tomorrow…



I’m going to sit this one out & ogle the gallery. Next round.

Thanks for the reminder!
I sent in my request…can’t wait to work on papery things :smiley:


I think I’m going to pass on this one. I think it was wishful thinking that I could swing this swap. I am scheduled to move into our new place June 1st and was hoping that would be enough time to find my box of crafting stuff and still make the send out time frame. I look forward to seeing the gallery. Maybe the next time. Thanks!


I think I have to pass. It bums me but maybe next time.

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I sent partner info. Let’s get started!

Sorry that you can’t join in this time but I hope to swap with some of you in the future!


SQUEE!!! :grin:

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Yay partners! :green_heart:

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Woohoo! so excited to get crafting this weekend!

Yes! Partners! The plotting begins… :thinking:

I’m excited to have met my partner in a couple of the zoom meetups!
Now to get through the last week & a half of school & then FREEDOM

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So excited!! I already have some ideas underway Lets see how this turns out!!! Its always way better in my head!

I went to creative reuse store - my happy place! - and got some goodies. Tonight I will make, make, and make a mess. Oh joy!


Oh that sounds cool! Theres one reuses store I know of about 2.5 hrs away though and its centered around sewing and textiles but such a cool concept!

I’m in the designing/planning OMG I have too many ideas phase!

Oh fun. I haven’t been to mine in over a year. It’s about 35 min away. I should make the trek.

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I need to get to my creative reuse store sometime on a Friday when I can take in donations, instead of just bringing things home…

Hoping to spend some time in my craft room today, tho!

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Did a little extra stalking and jotted down a few ideas. I’ve swapped with @thanate before so I hope I understand her style enough to go forward with some crafting! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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I have a couple more embellishments to make for @Magpie and then I’m ready to dig through my stash for ephemera. It has been a blast so far!!

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Hey partner! I need to sit down at a computer to type properly… there’s paper on the kitchen table, the coffee table, the bedside table… fun times!