COMPLETE - Positive Affirmations R-3

Just a little bit of sign up time left, if you’re on the fence come on & hop on in! Remember this swap is for one small item, a treat & a note. Quick & easy!
I’m going to close sign up tomorrow at 6pm so I’ll have time to figure out partners before starting a very busy work week.


Hang tight! I need tonight to figure out partners…


So exciting!

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WHEW! Partners are assigned, please let me know if anything is different from what’s listed in the top posts.
This is the hardest part, I want everybody for my own partner! Ack! Very stoked to see all the positivity y’all create, love you gals so muchy :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Yay for partners! I’m so excited to start stalking their Pinterest boards. waves hi to @Smmarrt & @kittykill.


Working on some positive pieces for magpie today!


Yay! Crafting for two of my favorite people! @AIMR @Kwality570!


I am looking forward to creating something lovely for @magpie


Yay, friends, so happy about this group! We’re going to make such awesome positive vibes together :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
I have a super busy week, something every day after work & then the weekend away with my daughter & sister. Plus I’ve had both a glucose monitor & a heart monitor delivered that I’m supposed to wear for 1 & 2 weeks (don’t worry, just tests). It’s a bit crunchy for time but next week should lighten up a bit, I hope!

So here’s our first check in question! Are you doing anything special, exciting, fun this weekend? I’m going to see my friend’s mom in her one-woman show, it’s sure to be fantastic.


How cool is that! It will be fun and laughing is always good!

I am working on costume alterations for the Jr. version of the musical, Sound of Music. I’ll probably go see the show on Sunday.

On Saturday, I am going to my second visit with the Knitting Club. I showed up last Saturday…wrong day! I am going to take a WIP to see if I can at least make some progress while chatting!


We are hitting up Oktoberfest at our local ski mountain with friends. I’m so excited!


No big weekend plans here. I’m just hoping to get to the weekend so I can sleep in!


we are going to a wedding in GA this weekend – it will be fun to see some friends we don’t get to see very often


I have weekend plans, lots of them. My mother and sisters are coming to visit my husband on Sunday, so I’ll have to tidy and clean the house (it needs it) and cook. And on Saturday, for my first time, I’m meeting with a local quilting group, and dinner that evening with another friend. Busy busy. So good to be able to be busy!


So happy for partners! Hi @AIMR and @Abbeeroad!!!

This weekend we’re celebrating our annual Christmas with my mom’s brother and his family. We do it early so the older folks don’t have to drive in Michigan snow. It’s also usually much less busy for everyone this time of year for scheduling. We play junk Bingo where everyone wraps up stuff they have at their house they no longer want. You get to get rid of junk you no longer want and everyone ends up with different junk (they probably still don’t want.) :wink: The best treasure that I’m bringing this time is a Queen of England car window decal I got for $0.25 on clearance. I can’t wait to see the face of whoever opens it. They’re going to be riding in style with the queen in their back seat.

After that, I’m just planning on crafting like a fiend!


What cool traditions you have!! Love the idea of junk Bingo. :laughing:


Oh my gosh, so do I! Please tell me more about how you play this game? Nobody in my fam needs anything, this would take the pressure off everybody while increasing the fun of the exchange. How cool!


I have the primary idea for both my partners and am so excited to start crafting this weekend! I adore the inspiration phase when the perfect idea clicks in your brain.

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Yes! We do this instead of Christmas presents and it’s so much more fun. And as a bonus, you don’t have to make small talk with people you see very infrequently and have an activity to keep you busy instead.

Everyone wraps up the stuff they no longer want and put it in the middle of the table (or tables as it is with us). We all have Bingo cards and take turns calling out a letter/number combo. The first person picks a B number from their card, then the person to their left calls an I number on their card, then the person to the left of them calls an N number from their card and so on. If someone gets a Bingo, we all stop and watch them unwrap their “prize” after they pick it from the pile of garbage. It’s a lot of fun! There’s been a high-heeled shoe shaped tape dispenser that’s been rewrapped year after year that’s always funny to get. Oh, and if you touch it, you have to take it. No feeling of presents before you decide!


Yeah, still waiting for that, lol.