COMPLETED - Box of Whimsies Miniatures S/U April 12-21 S/O May 10

You will have more time to ponder your options. :grin:


And of you are partnered with me I won’t mind of you have to send a few days late.


Thanks. They leave Monday, so I’ll have plenty of time to craft. I’m just eager to get started! We’re going back to the gem show, which will have many whimsical possibilities.


Ok hopefully everyone should have partners! Let me know if I’ve managed to screw something up…

Does anyone know how to post a link to the old site, showing the gallery for one of these swaps? I would love to see the kinds of stuff people sent. Thanks. I know it’s the Wayback machine but I don’t know to use it.

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Yikes. Me neither.

@Tanath knows how to do that! Maybe she’d show how it’s done, there are so many times I think of something that’s lost there…

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here’s a link to get you to the swap gallery from the old site I just don’t have time to poke around right now but you may be able to dig through. I did try search for whimsy or whimsies or box full of and no results so looks like a manual search through the pages


I probably know, I’m part virtual entity by now, but did you mean me or @thanate?
I’ll see what I can dig up :slight_smile:


ok, found some of the galleries in the wayback machine. thanks for the forum link, @Bugaboo.
(some of the pages of the galleries might be missing and some pictures might be broken, that’s just how it is with this archive)
round 1:
round 2:
round 3:
round 4:
round 5:
round 6:


Oh, I Definitely meant you. Look at you go! Thanks a bunch, cyborg friend :slight_smile:


That’s awesome! Thank you @Tanath!

Whoa. Awesome.

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Thank you!!

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I did some brainstorming this morning and I have an awesome idea. It is something I have wanted to make in miniature for myself for some time so the pressure will be double to make it for someone else first. I am going to head to the craft store today to see if I can find the components that will make it look just right. I’m going to cross my fingers and hope for the best. lol

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Make two, as long as you’re doing it. Then you get to keep one for YOU! :hugs:


See… you say that… and although it makes sense… I am afraid this may take up all of my crafting time before send outs. Okay, I’ll pick up double the materials…:grin:


Don’t ask me how I managed to be able to work without being bothered for four hours last night. With three kids, this is not a regular thing I get anymore. But, I made some wonderful progress on my miniature. Which was awesome because I was feeling the muse. Now… to get that amount of time three more times between now and send-outs. :rofl:

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I am also making good progress (and having fun) with this swap.


Our houseguests are keeping us busy, eating and shopping and adventuring, but I made time to do a little stalking, and found a few items along the way that may get included in the box.