Completed Cryptozoological Swap - Send Outs June 11th

Okay. That is a wrap. I am calling this swap. I should send out partners soon. :smiley:


Everyone should have their swap partners now. If you have an issue due to shipping or allergies, please let me know as soon as possible.

I did things a little different this time when partnering people. I wrote everyone’s name on a piece of paper and drew them randomly. I was hoping to get a better mix for everyone. I know people get partnered a lot due to geographic locations and such. I thought I would make this completely random (minus allergies and no shipping overseas). I figured it was a small so it could be extra whimsical. Hopefully you got someone new. :heart: :green_heart:


Picked at random my foot! Mine was a match made in heaven! Now to brainstorm for @Bunny1kenobi


Thank you, Gozer! I’m SO excited to get partners! :tada: :two_hearts: I got my questionnaire in at the last moment, in the middle of the night, laying in bed next to my husband who was coming down from his massive second-Covid-vaccine-dose fever while I was observing him, copy/pasting and typing awkwardly on my iPhone. It was…interesting. But I remembered all of a sudden that I hadn’t done it yet, and I didn’t want to be skipped! :joy: Ah, the things we do for crafts. (Hubby is doing great this morning, just FYI; fever broke around 3AM, and now he’s just sleeping off the exhaustion.)

Cryptid-ish stories: So, I have never personally seen any unexplained animals or phenomena, but when my dad was a little kid, maybe 10-12 or so, he and his family went RV camping. While they were around the campfire that evening, they were joined by some other people from nearby sites. One man told a very detailed story about a recent UFO sighting in the area. That night, when they all went to bed, my Dad was assigned a cot outside the RV (two adults and 4 kids apparently do not fit in one tiny RV when the weather is decent). He woke up suddenly deep into the night, and saw–standing at the foot of his bed–an evil alien robot! He could see the outline of its boxy body and legs and its head with faintly glowing eyes. He stayed up the entire night in terror, convinced that if he moved or called for help, it would come grab him, and then it would move on to its other fiendish plans. He stayed up so long staring at it to hold it in position that the sun started coming up…revealing a hanging camping lantern and some boxes on a post… Although clearly, the alien robot just put those items there as it snuck away into the dark, to hide its existence from us all! :alien: :robot: :skull_and_crossbones:

I would also like to point out, that while I was fact checking this with my Dad and typing, he actually provided a drawing for us. :rofl: :heart:


Loving all these stories!

I don’t have any personal cryptid stories, sadly. But when I was a kid, there was a cupboard in my grandma’s kitchen that used to open itself up every now and then, and my brother always said “Rainbow Moon” was doing it, whoever that was… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Excited to swap again with @EriChanHime, too!


Yay partners! I’m excited to start creating something!

All these family stories are so entertaining :smile:


Woohoo!! So excited to be swapping for the first time ever with @Fonduie! The stalking will be strong.


THIS IS EPIC!! Haha! Poor lil guy, he musta been terrified!
:camping: :fire:

Please tell your dad, his drawing went above and beyond. So he’s earned himself a fake badge, too

:camping: :fire::flying_saucer:

Sharing is caring! So, imma count it
:camping: :fire:


@bethntim yaaaay! So excited to swap with you!!!


Yaaaaas! This is going to be kick-@$$!


Woot woot! I’m crafting for my scrappy sister, @JoyfulClover!


This is gonna be such a fun swap!!



Sad I didn’t get my questionnaire finished & turned in on time - I didn’t even think about the necessity on organizer’s part to close sign-ups earlier than end of today. Alas, it was hard to think of more than one or two cryptids (as opposed to fantasy or mythology creatures) for my list anyways. I hope everyone has a fun time swapping, and I’m looking forward to browsing the swap gallery.


Don’t know if anyone has heard of the gnomes in California but it is an interesting case,

I saw a show about them. They are not friendly gnomes.


Sorry you missed out, but I did put a warning out three days ago that I was going to most likely close the swap on the morning of the 10th in order to get partners out. I gave it until noon. Hopefully, you can join us next time and the gallery will give you lots of ideas and inspiration.


Yeah partners! @momiemae did we ever swap in the olden days? I don’t think we did? If not, new partner woot woot!


I am not sure. I think I have swapped with everyone at some point. Except for Wulf. I missed out on swapping with him.


I swapped with Wulf once in a dotee swap I believe. I love making those little whimsical things.

Also, yay for partners!! :slight_smile: Hello @Bugaboo!!


Hey @artsycandice!!! Yesterday was a whirlwind but despite work I may sneak in some stalking for inspiration!


I have so many ideas. Now I am tasked with whittling them down. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: