Cool Beans!

These are the cool beans. They are one of the dumbest plushies I think I have ever made, but people seem to love them. They are often mistaken for pickles. But I have pickles too. I even have fried pickles. I think they look like a gang of green cigarettes. But they really are beans. I called them cool beans because of the spud’s pediatrician who always said "cool beans’ to everything. I’ve since learned more of their story. That is how it usually goes around here. I make something dumb and eventually it will tell me or one of the visitors to the Traveling Chicken and Monster Show it’s story. These are extra special to me.


They are hilarious and I love the expressions on their faces.


Such fun expressions! I love them.

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Cool beans! I love the beanie weenies!

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They are definitely cool beans!
Looks like they are up to something…

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Cool beans! :smile: Haven’t heard that in forever. Love these beans.

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That is what I think. But they are really up to being helpful.

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Awww these are FANTASTIC!

Such a fun and creative interpretation of the phrase!

Ahhh! I think the cool beans might be my favorite!

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Amazing! I can imagine them saying “What’s up?” with an upward head nod and a cool swagger. So much fun!

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That is exactly how they are!

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They are a gang, like it or not. These are fun. Now, I want to see this fried pickle they keep talking about.

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