Cr-r-r-a-a-a-zy Quilt

I have been in the mode of reducing my bits and pieces stash and finding a home for some BOM blocks that just didn’t fit any color scheme. I started sewing together the leftovers from several years of quilting. I created one baby quilt and donated, and now have this thing.
It’s crazy, colorful, busy, and bold. It’s the last day of school or a two year old on sugar.
This will be donated as well, hopefully to someone who will love finding all the critters and objects hiding in this quilt. Or, just enjoy the colors and patterns.


Way to use up all the blocks that need homes!

Yummy! “Last” was always my favorite day of school.

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This is just fabulous! Sometimes more is more!

I love this one soooo much! It’s such a great kind of crazy and feels a bit like the quilts made from the less worn bits of worn out clothes in days of yore, but BRIGHT and VIBRANT!

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This is so much fun! I could look at it for ages and see new things.

Its so crazy and fun. Someone is going to get a huge kick out of that quilt. I can see it being an absolute favorite.

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Super fun!

It’s great! I love the back as much as the front, your quilting really stands out!

Crazy in the best possible way. Love every inch!!

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“Two year old on sugar” is the best possible title for this quilt and I think also captures the sheer joy and exuberance too :smiley:


This is my kind of quilt. I see my brain reflected in it!


You said what I was thinking. This is totally my brain, too.

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Ooh! I love the randomness of this! It’s so great!

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I love all these responses. It breaks my brain, overloads it, makes it stutter! I am so glad others love it and I know it will be loved, but ‘Get it out of my house!’ :crazy_face:.
I am awaiting the name of the woman I will be sending it to. I may just box up tonight.


:scissors: :green_heart: :thread: Congratulations! Your fun, zany, and utterly scraptastic Cr-r-r-a-a-a-zy Quilt is a Featured Project this week! :thread: :green_heart: :scissors:

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This is all kinds of amazeballs!! Literally all kinds! I love it!

Crazy quilts are not easy. Few of the blocks were standard sizes and as I got towards the end, there were some really wonky bits and odd spaces to work in. So I just kept making blocks and adding bits until it finally became rectangular. It really hurt my brain! I highly recommend a design wall. I use a cheap flannel-backed vinyl tablecloth. I need to hang it better, it drapes too much, but it is a real design and time saver!


What a fun way to use up all those blocks! You did a great job of making all the various sizes fit together. I hope this quilt is well loved in it’s new home.

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