Craft My Collectable Swap GALLERY

I received from my angel @AntBee and she really is an angel! She made a cat door stop and since one of my themes is cats with whisky she crocheted him a little flask and a pocket to put it in. But now that I have a cat door stop I don’t want to put it on the floor!

She also sent me some yarn, a cute miniature gingerbread house and a bag with yoga on it. So cute !

A postcard coloring book s which will come in handy for the happy mail craftalong. A fluffy keychain and yarn samples.

A cute little trinket box and various papers for my stash.

Thanks so much AntBee!!

I also received from @PrincessP
She went with my peacock theme (great colors) and embroidered an apron and stenciled a cat with whisky on a towel. My collection is growing!

And some goodies. I’m a little scared to try the vegemite :joy:

And here is what I had sent to PrincessP.


I forgot to post the pic of these cutest little miniature AntBee sent me.
The white circle is 1” to show size.


WOW…that is some angel package for sure!

lol cats with whiskey…never heard that theme before, even though my cats love drinking “wine”…

The knitted cat is lovely and would look just as nice sitting on a counter or shelf as on the floor…I would use it to hold open my bedroom door since my cats constantly shut it on themselves and can’t let themselves out…also, the miniature…such a lovely set of dishes

The tea towel is lovely…stenciled onto a patterned towel…great idea and so fun…

The little felt red riding hood and wolf is adorable!!! Did it get lost in the mail or something to @princessp? That would be so sad…

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I definitely have it :black_heart::heart: I hadn’t yet posted any pictures to the gallery. I will do so this afternoon

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