Cricut Tumblers

I made this tumbler for my sweetie. There was a lot of weeding but I am happy with the way it turned out.

I had one tumbler left over (they came in a pack)so I made myself one.


Ooo…I love these!!! I know Frankie is supposed to be the star of this post, but I really love the stitcher tarot card!!

These are so cute!

Extremely cool. And perfect for you guys!!! Love it!

Oooh. We both love the Steins. These are both incredible and so fun! Great job weeding all those tiny spaces.

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These are so perfect for you two and so sharp looking to boot!

These are both so impressive! All that weeding of tiny pieces from the monster hair - :flushed:. So worth it for an amazing end product (easy for me to say since I wasn’t the one looking for all the itty bitty cut pieces to be weeded out, lol)!

Wow! Very detailed. Both tumblers are so cool!

The Stitcher, bahaha! Perfect for you :sewing_needle: :thread:

those are so cool - lots of work but great looking

These are great. The cream and black make such a cool combo!

Gorgeous work as always! A lucky man indeed :wink: