Cricut valentines

I made this card for my sweetie. Also, a little joke is that I call him sugar buns so he needed a banner celebrating his buns.

At work we made valentine bags and everyone in the clinic filled them with candy and other treats. I made these bears. They had chocolate attached to them.


Wow! YOu have been busy with that Cricut! Your projects are amazing. Love that card, the banner is adorable, and that bear is stealing my heart (especially if he came with chocolate)!

Aw! I can totally feel the love in these projects!

Such cute projects. That heart cut out is gorgeous and the layering just perfect!

A Countess of Cricut! I keep trying to pick a favorite and changing my mind. They’re all my favorite!

That heart!! And love the buns, too! :laughing:

So cute!

The heart is my favorite, but these are all great!

You are the sweetest Valentine :love_letter:

So sweet!

Thanks all!