Crochet yarn guide question

I would love to be a in group with all of the crocheters and knitters on this site just to see how everyone does it! I bet there are a lot of ways!


Me, too!

Call a zoom! I’d attend for that show & tell.


I do this too! I’m lefthanded and it took me many attemps to learn crochet. I finally figured it out but I figured out my own technique. I subconsciously based my crochet technique on my knitting technique, that I also figured out myself - I hold the right needle under my arm and the yarn in my right hand, unlike my family members who held the yarn in their left hand. I basically make the knitting motions with left while using my right hand to throw over the yarn.

Yes I guess that is a good way to describe it! Like kniting! :laughing:


I managed to get a decent picture…

So… left hand presses the fabric between my fingers and yarn is woven through the fingers on my left hand.

Hook in my right hand and situated so that the fabric I’m making is also held lightly as I stitch. (I pushed the hook through quite a bit so you could see the position).

Hope that helps. If I can get the Man to take a picture for me I will edit and add it.


Looks like how I do it as well…can’t figure out how else it can be done…I do know I hold my hook like a child holds a fork and not like a pencil…


Yup, kiddo fork style here as well… actually butter knife is more like it.


YES! perfect description! We are butter knife crocheters!

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