Curious Snail - A Little Painting

A 4x3" watercolor and colored pencil painting of a curious little snail. I tried inking this one before painting it and it gives a slightly different feel. I’ll definitely need to play with that technique more. This painting will be in STS.

Initial sketch & inked:


I love how the snail seems to maybe have misjudged where the mushroom top ends!

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Super cute!

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So cute!!

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Awe. Adorable!


I love the blue mushrooms! The whole thing turned out so cute

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What a sweet character! He reminds me of the little guy I tried to smuggle home from Key West when I was six (I released him in a nice garden before leaving).


Cute! I like the highlights on the mushrooms as well as the leaf detail on the left.

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@MistressJennie, @AudiobookLover, @gozer, @Bunny1kenobi, @TheMistressT, @Mermaidstar - thank you!

@tendstowardschaos - that made me laugh. I was absolutely that kid trying to smuggle snails, tadpoles, frogs, and hermit crabs home from any outdoor adventures. Glad your snail ended up in a nice garden on his side of the ocean.