Cute three headed dragon

A friend from work asked if I could make a three headed dragon for her.
She is from Ukraine and is trying desperately to learn the language of our country but is having trouble with inflections. We have 14 so every noun has 14 different suffixes and sometimes the whole word changes.
She is mostly having trouble with three of them and thats where the dragon idea came from.
The heads are symbolic.

For this piece I didn’t have a pattern. I just made everything up as I was making it.

I tried to take pictures from every angle but it still doesn’t look like in real life.


That came out so perfect and what a lovely present for your friend. Thank you for sharing. Also, welcome back to LC!


What a neat idea to encourage your friend. Your language sounds tough. The dragon looks extra snuggly and soft!


Thank you😁
It’s good to be back

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It’s super cute & looks so snuggly!

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This is adorable!!!

:maple_leaf: :pray: Thank you for sharing your talent with Lettuce Craft! Your awesome project is featured this week! :pray: :maple_leaf:

Fantastic work! I can’t believe you didn’t follow a pattern. That blows my mind.

Wow - so cute, and so clever to be able to put this together!!