Dangerous decoupage

I saw this technique on youtube. I knew it was questionable when she covered her smoke alarm with a shower cap. Um, how clever?

I want you to picture ME doing this outside on the cement patio, next to a bucket of water and a hose. It was kind of like that. At least it rained last night.

I had glued these 3 dollar tree houses together with the super crafty plan of painting them black. This would have been much easier if I hadn’t done that.

What they would have looked like in black (or photographed against a white curtain):

The questionable technique: instead of cutting out all those tiny spaces, use a barbecue lighter to burn them out.

While I burned, I fantasized about how to explain to the firemen.

It kind of works, especially if you don’t mind smoke damage around every opening. And paper with glue on it didn’t burn, especially in gloppy corners. And where I didn’t glue the edges well, I got naked spots.

What actually worked better was pushing a stiff, wet brush into each hole and crevice.
I simulated additional smoke and burn marks with thin paint.

The skull paper is Halloween napkins, the animal print is tissue paper.

and now that I see them finished, I wish I had mounted the center house so the roof was higher than the others. And maybe cut off the parts of the back houses that show through the center house’s windows.


Wow! Nothing like a little dangerous crafting to get your heart going a little faster…

It does look great!


Decoupage for pyros? Perhaps. They turned out very cool regardless. I am glad you found an easier and safer method.


Oh my goodness! :joy::joy::joy::rofl:

It turned out really cool, though!

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