Diamond Art Bookmark

My son and I were in Michaels a few weeks ago and came across some diamond art kits on sale. He picked out a set of bookmarks with celestial designs and made his first one yesterday. More accurately, he did most of the gold and then his attention span gave out, so I finished it for him. We’re both pretty happy with how it came out!


Fun! I got sucked into one of those diamond art sets, too. They can be pretty meditative! Love the unintended collaboration, lol.

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It came out really cute! My kiddo has the same attention span.

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I definitely wound up “in the zone” while working on it! I think I’ll have to get a kit of my own to make.


Hah. I did a few of the bigger ones a couple months back & my kid requested a bunch of small kits for her birthday which she refuses to finish, but won’t let me finish them either b/c she says she might want to finish to them some time. :woman_facepalming:

Nice pattern choice! :green_heart:



I did a jigsaw with mom a few years ago; she was scandalized that I just did the central design, and skipped the boring background. She didn’t finish it either, though


Great job Jenn!!!

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That’s really pretty!


Very pretty! That would be the way to do a diamond painting- on a small scale. I have some huge Christmas ones that I haven’t touched yet……


I like the crescent moon and shooting star. Nice job!

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