Dipping a toe in quilting

I decided rather on a whim to start working on a handsewn quilt this week. Ive always wanted a real quilt, but theyre so expensive. I’ve tried it before, but never got past a square or two before setting it aside. There are many problems with me and quilting. I don’t like careful cutting, i hate ironing, and i dont have anywhere to leave a sewing machine set up. Plus these days I can mostly only do crafts that I can make progress on in 15 minutes bursts.

But then I saw a thing on tiktok for making a handsewn hexie quilt. You only have to cut circles, no ironing, done in small dircrete steps by hand. Seemed like a good fit, so here we are. We’ll see how far I make it, but it’s fun so far!


Yay! Sounds like a win to me.


I love hexies. I think you will, too!


Sewing hexies is a lot of fun! And very portable / easy to do in short bursts.


Ooh, it will be neat to see your progress shots. Sounds like a great way to do just a bit at a time and to do it when you have the desire.


I’m mostly planing to make a giant bag of them, at least until I use up the print cotton in my stash. (Mostly leftovers from mask making.)

Then I’ll sew them together super-random. But I’m also going to put one piece onto a whole as I do each new print. Mostly just so I can watch it grow.


Wait, what? The backs look different then how I’m used to… what are you doing there?

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So, you cut a circle, attach your thread to the middle, pull in an edge, then each corner around, making a little puffy hexagon (go math!). Then stitch them all together. Here’s the tiktok link: I believe this way of doing it is called amosh hexies, if you guys try... | TikTok

If you want me to take some photos I can. :grin:


OMG @AIMR have you seen this?!

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Yes…they create a bit more bulk if you are actually going to machine quilt with the batting and backing, especially at the “meeting point” center, but they are quick and a lot of people don’t even use batting at all…just a simple backing, maybe minky or fleece.

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I’m currently thinking little or no batting, yes backing, probably hand-tied. If it ever gets that far! We’ll see.

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I have seen people make these with a circle of batting to make a more puffy hexie as well. I just think it’s great that you have found something you can do to meet your personal crafting style…even if you just make them for the sake of making them, you seem to be having fun!


:slight_smile: if you ever get tired of hexies, look up “improv quilting”. There’s several good books on the subject.


One of my grandma’s quilts.

Which ansester we don’t know. My mom had them stshed away and now she’s gone. But I love it.


This one is absolutely stunning :open_mouth:

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@saintcady - how far did you get?

Still pecking away at it. I have maybe 800 hexies made so far. But they’re tiny, so a long way to go.


Wow! I love the look of hexies, but they seem like so much work. Kudos to you!

Go for it.

There are only three rules in quilting. 1 it needs to be structurally sound. Will it hold up to the use for which it is intended.
2 finish it up and move on dearie. A finished quilt is warmer and more loved than a WIP on the shelf. 3. if you can’t see it from the back of a galloping horse it isn’t there. Mistakes are only mistakes if you go around blabbing about them. Really they are the only way you grow and learn.

Don’t listen to anyone who tells you anything else. Matching corners and quarter inch seams are goals. Fabric selection is personal. If you like it it is perfect. You don’t have to match dye lots. You can choose fill in with a completely different fabric.

Of course, if you are competition quilting there are standards. Those are to be admired. But you don’t have to quit because your first 500 blocks aren’t absolutely perfect.

Quilting is about expression and art and comfort and satisfying something inside you. It comes from a grand tradition of make it with what you have because you need it to survive.

So enjoy the journey.