Donate to Help LettuceCraft

Thank you so much!!


I second this advice! (I’m a tax professional but not in the US). There are so many resources for charitable organisations but a lot of people don’t know where to find them. I’m sure @AIMR can point you in the right direction.

I know a lot of people put a lot of their own time and money into LC to make it run smoothly, and if you were a registered charity then people could probably deduct that from their own taxes as a charitable donation. Depending on your own personal situation, setting LC up as a seperate non-profit instead of as a part of your personal LLC might save you money as well. I’m assuming all your costs are charged at a B2B rate. Some legal / finance / tax professionals charge a lower rate for non-profits or even donate their time. And of course, profits in your LLC are probably taxable, even if the “profit” is actually donations that just aren’t spent yet.

Taxes are complicated and boring even at the best of times, it’s no wonder it was low on the priority list when you were so busy setting up LC in such a short period of time. It’s amazing what you guys have created here - this website may not have as many members as the old place used to have, but it works a million times better, and it’s probably as active as the old place in the best days. Even if we’ve all aged a bit :laughing: It’s hard to believe I joined this website in highschool, and that so many members were in highschool or college back then (I’m talking 2005-ish).


Shhhh! I was totally not in my last year at college in 2005 … :face_with_peeking_eye:


Yes - it IS there and perhaps because I am in dark more for my eyes - it just never stood out to me.
I don’t explore the site fully when I visit (I know that would be very worthwhile, but too much overwhelms me and I have other things that I need to get on to) - so I actually don’t see that banner frequently.

It’s there when I land on the site - and then I’m immediately checking to see if anyone has a birthday today - from then on I’m just checking to see what notifications are showing under my profile image top right and that banner doesn’t show up. Or I’ll click on the 3 bars to see what threads are unread
IF I manage to get back to a page where that upper banner with the “News Donate etc” shows - as soon as I scroll down, it disappears so it’s just never caught my attention.

It could be a part of the Lettuce Craft band - between the Search icon and the 3 Bars? Or not worth the effort because I’m the only one who experiences LC this way?


I’m not sure I can add another icon there, but I will definitely check! Thank you so much for explaining that. :heart:


It’s one of those web elements that you want easy to find for members, but want to avoid it just becoming part of the scenery so it doesn’t catch attention.
While I’ve built a few websites in my time, I am far from as capable as you have been putting LC together!!


Thank you for your kind words. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Did you recently sign up as a monthly donor? I know that Sweets mentioned there being 3 monthly donors and 2 came forward. I just assumed I was the other one, but now you have me wondering if I need to fix my donation setup…


I recently automated it…I might have asked her to remain anonymous… :wink:


Sometimes when I get donations, the sweetest little notes are included. I read each and every one of them. Thank you all so much.

Have a beautiful day. :heart:


Thanks for putting up the banner!
I made a donation.


Thank you so much! :heart:


I am also able to donate this year. Thanks for all the hard work.


Yeah, the banner looks great!


Thank you so much!


Not as fancy as Wikipedia, but it’ll get the job done. :laughing:


I would be happy to host one again, like the Craft Stars Garage Sale we did when we found out Deadster was closing down. I would love to say I could do one right now, so folks could ‘shop’ for holiday gifts from one another, but with the holidays and a toddler, I’m going to be honest with myself and say I couldn’t do it till after Christmas.

If folks want another one, let me know, and I can at least start planning for it. Maybe set up a thread about it, so it’s on people’s radar, and they can start putting items aside over the coming weeks. (New Year is just 7 weeks away!) I know I just recently rearranged my gift cupboard, to fit things I’ve been picking up as Christmas gifts, and came across a few things I’d totally put up for it.


Thank you! That is so awesome of you!
I would make something for it.


I have plenty of things that I would be happy to donate for the cause!