Dragonfly & Bicycles ~ 4 x 6 Art

I made these in the past for the 4 x 6 Art swaps :heart:

I had fun assembling this dragonfly with masterboard pieces. The blue-ish part of the background is a paint scraped masterboard punched into hexagons and re-configured. The wordy part says “it’s the little things that make life big”

I had a set of bicycle stamps that I used for this piece along with some gelli print papers and mounting tape for some dimension.

This one definitely had me singing in my head anytime I was working on it…
“Bicycle, bicycle, bicycle
I want to ride my bicycle, bicycle, bicycle
I want to ride my bicycle
I want to ride my bike
I want to ride my bicycle
I want to ride it where I like…”

Thanks for looking! :kissing_heart:


They’re both so striking, but that bicycle postage stamp one sings to me. And not just Queen songs. :upside_down_face:


The dragonfly one is miiine :purple_heart:. But I like the bicycle one too :laughing:.

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Both are beautiful but that dragonfly! :star_struck: What a fun assembly of art!

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Now I want to ride my bike!

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Love the vibrant colors on the dragonfly! And it’s cool to have a whole set of the bicycle ones.

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Love that angled veiw to show the depth of the bicycle one. It shows how much art can change from when it’s in your hands to just a picture. I bet it’s even more stunning in person. Lovely work.


Both gorgeous! The bicycle baaaaaarely edges out the dragonfly for me (which actually says a lot coz I love dragonflies)… but either one would be a delightful addition to an ATC collection!

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